Wednesday, June 11, 2014

UKIP And The Tea Party - Mohamed Bouazizi Did Not Die In Vain

The stunning victory of the United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) over the old, established political order in Great Britain was matched yesterday by the defeat of the establishment Republican crony Eric Cantor in the USA, both of which follow hot on the heals of Tony Abbott's wresting the Premiership of Australia from the socialist automaton Julia Gillard.

On the face of it, it would appear that the old established political orders in western countries, who have connived together to push a global agenda against the wishes of their respective national populations, are under threat like never before.

The UKIP victory in Great Britain was the first time in over a century that an election had been won by a party outside the established Labour/Liberal/Conservative 'progressive' axis that has, by virtue of its longevity, become self serving, arrogant and corrupt.

What these old political establishments have in common is that their positions of power have been usurped by a like minded group of activists who represent a global political class rather than their national populations.

After examining the common policies they are imposing simultaneously in their individual countries, it is plainly obvious they are dedicated to imposing a so called 'progressive' agenda whether their respective populations want it or not.

One of the effects of this common agenda is that party political distinctions and their respective ideologies have become blurred and the age of the generic politician has arrived.

As has been mentioned in previous posts, modern day politicians are interchangeable. Regardless of party affiliation, they look the same, they sound the the same and because they are all trained in the black arts of spin, media management, deceit and lying they often use the same centrally issued slogans and soundbites.

The relationship between the modern political class and the people they are supposed to represent has broken down completely and as a consequence the politician has assumed that he rules the people and not the other way around.

Like their counterparts in the less democratic parts of the world they have become arrogant and they have adopted an authoritarian attitude to their constituents which sees them scolding, insulting, demonising and smearing anyone who questions their agenda.

Judging by recent election results it would appear that the people have had enough and are not prepared to take it anymore, they appear to be reasserting their power over the politicians and demanding to be listened to.

Why this change has come about is open to speculation but it has been suggested that it is a knock on effect from the Arab Spring which saw long established political regimes get kicked out across the Middle East. Just a minor look at the facts does indicate that there are some parallels.

Nobody would have bet that a long established tyrant like Egypt's Hosni Mubarak would get deposed, never mind the 'Mad Dog' himself, Mohamar Gaddafi, over the actions of Mohamed Bouazizi, a lowly fruit vendor in Tunisia who couldn't take it anymore.

Like the European Union, the long established regime of President Zine Ben Ali in Tunisia had become arrogant, authoritarian and corrupt and acted in its own interests not that of the people. Also, like the European Union, there was no mechanism under the current regime for the people to influence or depose the bureaucracies that blighted their lives with taxes and stifling regulations.

Mohamed Bouazizi was the only breadwinner for his family and despite continuous harassment and thefts of his produce by the police, he managed to scratch a living selling fruit and vegetables from a market stall. On that fateful day, the harassment and theft was compounded by his being slapped by a policewoman after he failed to produce a permit.

The rest will go down in history, Mohamed Bouazizi snapped, doused himself in petrol and self immolated in front of the government ministry. He lived briefly but succumbed to his injuries and died an agonising death a day or so later.

His death was the catalyst that started a series of revolutions, referred to as the Arab Spring, which resulted in long established political orders across the world being challenged and in many cases deposed.
(See Mohamed Bouazizi story here)

The British people have seen their sovereignty surrendered, their economy ruined, their taxes increased, their institutions politicised, their lives blighted by intrusive regulations and their way of life destroyed by a remote, unaccountable bureaucracy that enriches itself with the fruits of their labour.

In the USA, President Obama and his Justice Secretary, Eric Holder, have gone rogue and are brazenly
bypassing Congress and ruling by executive decree. They have opened the borders and refuse to implement the law if it doesn't suit their purposes.  They want the populace disarmed and their taxes increased to pay for increased welfare entitlements and an ever expanding bureaucracy.

Like their British counterparts, their economy is being wrecked and their way of life is being wilfully destroyed as part of the same global 'progressive' agenda.

But the USA is not Tunisia, right?  Wrong, in shades of Mohamed Bouazizi cops are harassing kids for a lemonade stand permit in Midway, Georgia. See the story here and more harassment of children by policemen stories here.

Police in Great Britain threaten ten year old girl with arrest for playing hop scotch in the street.
See the story here

The rise of UKIP and the Tea Party is a clear demonstration that the people have had enough and they are prepared to stand up to the old established political orders to demand that governments listen and act in the peoples interests and not that of themselves or the global elite.

Compared to the sacrifice made by Mohamed Bouazizi, the ousting of Eric Cantor or David Cameron is nothing, but the people must follow his example, keep the momentum and the defiance going until the old orders are defeated and consigned to the dustbin of history.


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