Thursday, March 12, 2020

COVID-19? It’s a Turkish Autocrat That’s Threatening Europe

While world leaders and the media are expending all their energy creating global hysteria about the consequences to global stability of the Corona virus, they are ignoring the consequences to global stability caused by Turkey’s warmongering in Syria and its infringements of the European Union's borders.

Despite being a NATO ally, Turkey is no friend of western Judeo-Christian civilization and less of a friend since the Islamist autocrat, Tayyip Erdogan, assumed power in Ankara.

Using membership of NATO as a shield, Erdogan is provoking the Russian bear in Syria hoping that NATO members will come to his aid should Putin tire of his provocation and attack. At the same time, he is deliberately destabilizing the European Union by transporting masses of economic migrants and Syrian refugees to the borders of Greece and Bulgaria and assisting them to destroy border defenses and cross into Europe illegally.

The migrants regard crossing these borders as the gateway to other EU member states and a plethora of welfare benefits which include free housing, healthcare, education and money. Unfortunately, some testosterone fueled young men among the migrants have an ingrained attitude toward western women who they believe are theirs for the taking with disastrous but predictable consequences.   

Bearing the brunt of this invasion is Turkey’s ancient enemy, Greece, especially its islands in the Aegean Sea whose peaceful existence and way of life is being destroyed by the mass influx of incompatible, mostly male migrants who have no respect for the host nation and no intention of integrating.

Incidentally, Turkey claims sovereignty over many of these Greek islands which is giving the inhabitants increasing cause for concern bearing in mind the Turkish invasion of Cyprus and the colonisation of the northern half.

This transportation of migrants across Turkey to the EU borders should not be interpreted as a humanitarian gesture by Tayyip Erdogan. His Islamist zeal to conquer in line with Koranic demands renders him incapable of humanitarian behavior.

Erdogan has two malevolent objectives in mind:

Firstly, to blackmail the European Union using a promise to keep the refugees and migrants in Turkey if they pony up tens of millions of Euro’s in cash and allow access to their single market.

Erdogan is also demanding free movement across EU borders for 70 million Turks which despite a willingness of the EU leaders to agree they know it would be unacceptable to the people of Europe and would fuel the rise of nationalist parties who would agitate to leave the bloc.

(The United Nations are also giving billions to Turkey to house migrants so if they stay it’s a double win for Erdogan, but I digress.)

Flooding the EU border areas with migrants is a tried and tested extortion scam which Erdogan has employed previously with great success. Until the indecisive and cowardly EU leaders take effective action this demand for Danegeld will continue along with the misery of the Greek people and the destruction of the Aegean islands.

Secondly, Erdogan aims to achieve the long-term objective of Islamists down the ages to conquer Europe and subjugate the continent to Islam. Europe and the west must not harbor the illusion that Tayyip Erdogan is man they can do business with, he is not. He is a self-confessed radical Islamist who does not believe there is such a thing as moderate Islam. In fact, he is on record as saying he is offended by the term.

He is also on record telling Muslims that Europe belongs to them and they must migrate and out breed the host populations. This is the same sentiment that was expressed by Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi who proclaimed that the open border, mass immigration agenda of the EU will allow Muslims to conquer Europe without a shot being fired.

Bearing in mind that Greece is mired in debt and in no position to deal with this malevolent invasion of one of the EU’s external  borders one would think that they, and the UN, would come to the aid of the blighted Greek people.

True to form, and to the surprise of no one, both institutions are siding with the migrants. They are refusing to seal both the land border between Greece and Turkey and the Aegean Sea lanes to prevent a seabourne invasion by migrants of the Greek islands.

Both these globalist institutions have reminded the Greek government that they must admit asylum seekers knowing full well that the vast majority of those infringing the border are economic migrants that don’t qualify for asylum.

To conclude; by paying Danegeld to keep the migrants in Turkey, the duplicitous EU leaders are giving the impression that they are protecting the Greek people from the migrant invasion while at the same telling them they must admit the migrants to comply with so-called EU values and asylum laws.

This allows Erdogan to interfere in Syria to fight the Kurds and destabilize Europe by playing all sides against each other while meeting his two objectives of extortion and conquest at the same time.

Associated articles:

Europe must not fall victim to Erdogan's migrant blackmail

'You Are the Future of Europe', Erdogan Tells Turks

Greece warned by EU it must uphold the right to asylum

U.N. Says That Greece Has No Right to Stop Accepting Asylum Requests

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