Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Happy New Year To Everyone
A Happy New Year to family and friends wherever you may be. May you find happiness, good health and prosperity in the coming decade.
Friday, December 27, 2019
Impeachment, President Trump and a Warning for Boris Johnson
It wasn’t supposed to happen this way. The plan was for
Hillary Clinton to win the 2016 presidential election and complete the
fundamental transformation of America into a one-party socialist state which
was progressed to the point of success by that mysterious Senator with no
background, Barry Soetoro.
Known to the world as Barack Obama, he and his handlers
packed America’s most powerful and respected institutions with dedicated apparatchiks
and nomenclature that would ensure the fundamental transformation, or seizure
of power, was efficient, unopposed and could never be reversed.
With deep state operatives in position at the top of the
Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Central Intelligence Agency, the
Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Justice, the Internal
Revenue Service, etc. all that was required was for Hillary Clinton to win the
presidential election.
A victory for Clinton would have been followed by an amnesty
and voting rights for the tens of millions of illegal immigrants; this combined
with open borders would ensure Democratic Party government and a socialist society in perpetuity.
With ninety-five percent of the mainstream media on her side
and a generation of dumbed down, brainwashed millennials mobilized in support, she lost to a dynamic patriotic businessman whose solemn promise was to put the
American people first and Make America Great Again.
Unfortunately, the deep state was still in place after the inauguration, including
inside the White House, and it was determined to use its power to overturn the
result of the election and remove President Donald Trump from office.
The rest is history. The Mueller investigation into Russian
collusion, which was supposed to remove President Trump from office, was a
spectacular failure which crashed and burned in full view of an incredulous world.
Next came the rigged impeachment circus which instead of exposing President Trump of threats and bribery against the Ukrainian President, exposed the Obama/Biden administration as the perpetrators of the crimes.
This also crashed and burned and at the time of writing it has failed to remove President Trump from office.
This also crashed and burned and at the time of writing it has failed to remove President Trump from office.
In the meantime, America’s enemies inside the Congress have
stopped at nothing to prevent President Trump from governing the country and fulfilling
the mandate he was given by the America people.
This attempt at overturning the result of a democratic
election is not unique to America. The British version of the deep state has mobilized
its embedded apparatchiks and nomenclature to overturn the result of the 2016
referendum on Great Britain's continued membership of the European Union (EU).
In the biggest democratic exercise in the history of Great
Britain, and despite a hostile media and the combined forces of the British and
EU establishments, the people voted to leave by a huge majority.
The Europhiles even invited the now divine Barack Obama to interfere
in the referendum by issuing threats about trade which to their credit the
British people ignored and still voted to leave.
The British people’s desire to leave the corrupt and failing
EU was confirmed by the 2017 general election where both major parties promised
to implement the result of the 2016 referendum.
The political class were lying, they reneged on that promise.
They are totally and utterly dedicated to their decades long project to replace the independent nation states of
Europe with a single, centrally controlled superstate, run by appointed
bureaucrats in the new post democratic age.
Like the deep state in America, the deep state in Great
Britain is doing everything in its power to overturn the result of the 2016 Brexit
referendum including corrupting Parliament as well as the law courts and every
other institution of power and influence.
At this point in history the deep state have succeeded. The
British people are still trapped inside the EU and remain subject to its laws
and diktats some three and half years after they voted to leave. There is no
prospect of them leaving until the end of 2020 or possibly 2022.
If the EU use the power they have been granted under the internationally recognized treaty called the Withdrawal Agreement and Political Declaration they can prevaricate
This brings us to the newly elected Prime Minister, Boris
Johnson. The mandate he has been given couldn’t be clearer, the British people
want out of the EU and he has promised to deliver. However, the fanatical
Europhiles in the deep state and the institutions are still in position and as
determined as ever to prevent Brexit.
If he wants to avoid the slow motion coup d’état being
endured by President Trump, Prime Minister Johnson needs to identify and purge
the establishment and the institutions of the deep state operatives that will
use everything in their power to prevent Great Britain’s independence
from the long planned United States of Europe.
To conclude, in the recent general election the British
people showed their anger at the political class by purging Parliament of some
of the worst Europhiles who reneged on their promise to deliver Brexit and Boris
would do well to do the same with the establishment and the politicized institutions.
A sudden but long march through the institutions is essential if
Boris is to deliver on his mandate to leave the corrupt and failing EU. In this radical move he would be supported by the freedom
loving British people who are yearning for their independence after four
decades of subjugation to the EU and the malignant bureaucrats that rule it.
Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Friday, September 13, 2019
Surrendering Control of The Military Is the Ultimate Treason
The noise generated by the Brexit debate is emanating from
the fight about a trade deal and the prorogation of Parliament, but it has also
allowed the politicians to avoid debating the more destructive aspects of
continued European Union membership.
Among these are the remaining articles of the Lisbon
Constitution which will become effective in 2022 such as requiring Great
Britain to join the disastrous Eurozone and the equally disastrous open border
Schengen area. They failed to debate the ending of the national veto and the
surrender of control over any remaining areas which in any independent nation
state should be under the control of the people via their elected Parliament.
They failed to debate their surrendering control over
taxation to corrupt, money hungry bureaucrats in Brussels and worst of all they
failed to debate their plan to surrender the command and control of the British Armed Forces which for British patriots is a step too far.
The European Union has always been sold as a benign economic
project concerned with trading in a single, tariff-free market plus membership
of a customs union. The truth is that the European Union is, and always has
been, a nation building project with the aim of replacing the independent
nation states of Europe with a single state centrally controlled by appointed
bureaucrats based in Brussels.
If the European Union is not a nation building project then Parliament
needs to explain to the people why a benign economic project concerned only
with a tariff-free single market and a customs union needs an army, a navy and an air
force along with a flag, a national anthem, a Parliament, a judiciary and
embassies abroad.
The more vocal and fanatical nation builders such as Angela
Merkel, Emmanuel Macron and Guy Verhofstadt have openly called for an
independent European Army but this has always been strenuously denied by the
British political elite and even dismissed as a ‘dangerous fantasy’ by the former Deputy Prime Minister, Nick Clegg.
Incidentally, Merkel, Macron and Verhofstadt justify their
call for an independent European Defence Force because of the need to defend
the European Union from its enemies such as Russia, China and the United States.
That would be the same United States that has guaranteed the
security of Europe since WWII as the biggest contributor to NATO, but I
Unbeknown to the British public, the political elite have
been involved in the planning of a European Defence Force since its inception
with the intention of fully integrating the British military into its
structure. This would require surrendering command and control to a Eurocrat
who may hold historical grudges against the British people especially now since
they voted to leave their failing nation building project.
This brings us to the treachery of the former Prime
Minister, Theresa May. Known rightly as Theresa the Appeaser, Mrs. May had been
planning behind closed doors to integrate the British armed forces into the
fledgling European Defence Force (EDF) since taking office.
Those experts with an eye for detail have determined that
Mrs. May’s Withdrawal Agreement and Political Declaration, the infamous
surrender document, that supposedly delivered Brexit, not only made Great Britain
subservient to the European Union in perpetuity, it also committed the British
armed forces to fully integrate with the EDF.
As a measure of Mrs. May's dedication to the European nation
building project, she planned to integrate the British armed forces into the
EDF and surrender command and control after Great Britain had left the European Union.
This proves that she never intended to honour the result of
the peoples’ referendum or she planned to rejoin the EU sometime in the future after
the Brexit issue had cooled down.
In more than three years of debate, Parliament has not
discussed any of the items mentioned earlier especially not the surrender of Great
Britain’s armed forces to the Eurocrats. It took Lord James of Blackheath from the upper chamber
to bring it to the nation's attention for which he was roundly booed by the rest of their
Parliament is packed to the rafters with people who are
totally committed to the European nation building project and who give their unyielding loyalty to the fledgling United States of Europe. They know that this project
will fail if a prosperous Great Britain is allowed to exist outside its
Their loyalty to the European Union is so fanatical they are
determined to hand over what remains of peoples’ sovereignty as well as their
armed forces to a cabal of faceless, unaccountable bureaucrats in Brussels who cannot be removed via the ballot box.
They don’t care that their utter contempt for the people they are supposed to be representing is out in the open. Remaining in the EU is everything to them, it is their Caliphate.
They don’t care that their utter contempt for the people they are supposed to be representing is out in the open. Remaining in the EU is everything to them, it is their Caliphate.
To conclude: Treason is a horrendous crime against a nation
and its people and can take many forms but even the layman can see that by
colluding secretly with a foreign power to hand over the governance of the
nation and control of its military is treason most foul.
Two shocking articles that exposes the extent of their treachery:
May's secret, scandalous surrender of our defence.
Lt Gen Riley's briefing on the defence threat of hidden EU deals
Two shocking articles that exposes the extent of their treachery:
May's secret, scandalous surrender of our defence.
Lt Gen Riley's briefing on the defence threat of hidden EU deals
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Amritsar - Virtue Signalling Archbishop's Grovelling Apology
Here we go again. Just months after then Prime Minister,
Theresa May, did so in Parliament yet another prominent British figure feels
the need to apologize for the Amritsar Massacre perpetrated by a rogue British
general during the British Raj in 1919.
Not content with laying a wreath and whispering a silent prayer
in remembrance, the head of the world Anglican Church, the
Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, turned virtue signaling to an
embarrassing display of undignified groveling. (See here)
Prostrating himself face down before the memorial plinth was
over the top even for an agenda driven Archbishop who is more concerned with
things temporal than things spiritual such as saving souls and preparing them for eternity.
One is bound to ask what is it about that terrible event in
Amritsar a century ago that compels politicians to keep apologizing for it when British
colonial history is littered with similar atrocities, particularly in Africa?
The answer is simple; being the cynical, duplicitous people
that they are, politicians recognise that the Indian diaspora in Great Britain is a significant voting
block that can swing an election whereas the African diaspora is not.
Like the Roman Catholic Pontiff, Pope Francis, Archbishop Welby is a left-wing activist who
is not shy to make public his support for socialist causes or his fanatical
support for the undemocratic tyranny that the European Union has become.
This support for ‘progressive’ causes includes the
Islamisation of Great Britain regardless of its barbaric practices or its goal of
subjugating Christians and Jews or, failing that, killing them.
For a global church leader the Archbishop appears to be ignorant
of events worldwide where his fellow Christians are being systematically erased
by Muslims from areas they have lived in since the dawn of Christianity.
Ancient Christian communities are being erased from Egypt, Iran,
Iraq, Syria as well as Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Across Africa from Mali and Nigeria in the west to Kenya,
Sudan and Somalia in the east, Christians are being enslaved and slaughtered in
their tens of thousands. As far afield as Sri Lanka, Indonesia and the Philippines
Christians are being slaughtered by the so-called religion of peace that the Archbishop champions. (List of Islamic terror attacks against Christians here)
Apart from the Archbishop and the Pope, it is acknowledged around the world that Christianity is now the most persecuted religion on the planet. Even the governments in the predominantly Judeo-Christian continents of Europe and America, Christianity is being vilified and removed from the public square.
If he took a short walk from his residence at Lambeth
Palace, Archbishop Welby could prostrate himself face down on Westminster Bridge
where an adherent of Islam murdered four innocent civilians or have his
chauffeur drive him to London Bridge, Tavistock Square, Aldgate, Manchester
Arena and elsewhere in his home country where Muslims have murdered innocents
in the name of Allah, as commanded by their prophet and in accordance with
their holy book, the Koran.
As we commemorate the eighteenth anniversary of the World Trade
Centre atrocity where Muslims murdered almost three thousand people and injured
a further six thousand, it is incumbent upon the Archbishop to make the pilgrimage and prostrate
himself face down at Ground Zero or else the world might think
his theatrical performance in Amritsar was a nothing other than a virtue signaling
publicity stunt.
To conclude: While Archbishop Welby is virtue signaling and
apologizing for events from a century ago he is ignoring the fact that his flock at home is dwindling and his empty churches are decaying into dereliction or being turned
into warehouses, vehicle workshops and mosques or demolished at the behest of
land developers.
It appears that disparaging one’s own country and apologizing
for events in history is the in thing to do for the new ‘woke’ generation of
political leaders, including Barack Obama, and high-profile personalities like
the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Pope of Rome.
A previous article on the Amritsar apology circus here
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Robert Mugabe - The UN’s Most Valued Mass Killer
The world is a better place today after the passing of the
blood-soaked Zimbabwean tyrant Robert Mugabe. Known as Butcher Bob, this mass
murderer fulfilled his role as an African dictator with ruthless efficiency and
without compassion.
As tens of thousands of his victims, both black and white,
celebrate the demise of the tyrant, the globalist elite at the UN and elsewhere
are falling over themselves to eulogize him and create a legacy that hides the
truth about his reign of terror.
In a shameful statement that totally ignores the human suffering caused by
Mugabe, UN spokesman, Stephane Dujarric, said that the secretary-general will
be sending a letter “offering condolences to the government and people of
Ignoring reality and the consequences of Mugabe’s brutality,
spokesman Dujarric went on to say that “the United Nations remains strongly
committed to supporting Zimbabwe in its efforts to promote inclusive stability,
sustainable development, democratic governance and human rights”.
The reality is that neither Mugabe nor his successor,
Emmerson Mnangagwa, has made any effort whatsoever to promote any of the policies
mentioned above particularly with respect to democratic governance or human
With a fawning statement that disgraces the American people, even the US Embassy in Zimbabwe
insulted the victims of Mugabe’s reign of terror by failing to acknowledge his
brutality and inhumanity. (Read it here and the response from Tucker Carlson)
So enamored were they by Mugabe, he was named as a goodwill
ambassador by the UN’s World health Organization (WHO) because Zimbabwe was a
country that supposedly places universal health coverage and health promotion at the center
of its policies to provide health care to all. (See here)
The charity Physicians for
Human Rights objected to his nomination stating that: “The government of Robert Mugabe presided over the
dramatic reversal of its population's access to food, clean water, basic
sanitation and health care,” the group went on to state that: “The Mugabe regime has used any means at its disposal, including
politicizing the health sector, to maintain its hold on power.”
The report also said Mr. Mugabe's policies led directly to “the
shuttering of hospitals and clinics, the closing of its medical school and the
beatings of health workers”.
This ushered in a thirty-seven-year reign of terror marked
by economic collapse, famine, election rigging and human rights abuses that are
the hallmark of African dictators, which are deemed acceptable by the UN and
the globalist elite.
The United Nations took no action when the self-confessed
Marxist-Leninist, and admirer of China’s Chairman Mao, announced in advance that
he was going to use force to seize the white owned farms for
They took no action when the tyrant used his North Korean
trained Fifth Brigade to slaughter tens of thousands of innocent Ndebele
civilians to crush any opposition to his leadership. They did nothing when he violently
suppressed opposition political parties and rigged elections to remain in power
for thirty-seven long and bloody years.
The response of the UN to the famine caused by the
imposition of Mugabe’s Marxist ideology was to beg western nations to increase
aid to Zimbabwe which in turn increased the dependency which endures to this
day. While the world responded with food, farm equipment and money, Mugabe saw
fit to invade neighboring Congo to steal its mineral wealth in order to pay the
troops that kept him in power.
At the heart of every Marxist lies a hatred of America and
Mugabe was no different. He rejected desperately needed food aid from America
on the spurious grounds that it may contain items from genetically modified
crops. His hatred for America took priority over the desperate plight of his
starving people.
The entire Zimbabwean tragedy and the tolerance of tyrants
like Robert Mugabe is evidence, if any were needed, that to the UN
and the global elite the imposition of their ideological agenda takes a higher
priority than the safety and well being of the people concerned.
In the case of Zimbabwe, the predicted famine, death,
dictatorship and human rights abuses were a price worth paying to remove white
people from government and eventually from the continent of Africa.
To conclude: As predicted the same fate is befalling neighboring
South Africa, also as predicted, this is acceptable to the UN and the global
elite because the removal of white people from government in Africa is the
priority whatever the cost in blood, suffering and death.
Tuesday, September 3, 2019
Sir John Major – Breathtaking Hypocrisy of The Grey Man
In the dim and distant past the words honesty and integrity
meant something and they were essential requirements for anyone serving the
public. Doctors, solicitors, the clergy and even postmen were considered people
of unimpeachable integrity.
Most politicians used to be part of this august group of
individuals but sadly, no longer. How
they went from highly regarded to the lowest form of life is open for debate;
their reputation is in the gutter and they don’t give a damn.
The ability to lie with a straight face and not to give an
honest answer to the simplest of questions have replaced honesty and integrity
as essential requirements for the job. It is, however, hypocrisy and their
contempt for the people that is the most damning.
One off the worst cases of hypocrisy and contempt of the
people was the recent announcement by former Prime Minister and
hallowed Knight Of The Realm, Sir John Major, that he will challenge the
proroguing of Parliament in the law courts.
The current plan by the Her Majesty the Queen to prorogue
Parliament at the request of her Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, is not a
constitutional outrage or the coup d’état by fascist tyrants it is being portrayed as, but
the normal device that is used to end an old Parliamentary session in order for a new
one to begin.
Sir John Major has got his Y fronts in a twist because the prorogation of the
longest Parliamentary session since the civil war will lose four days of debate.. He is disregarding the fact that he himself prorogued Parliament during his Premiership losing a full five
weeks of debate.
Despite it being the law of the land passed by themselves,
this current Parliament has spent the last three years using every dirty trick in
the procedural book to ignore their own law and overturn the result of the
Brexit referendum to the exclusion of other vital legislation.
Whereas Boris Johnson is proroguing Parliament to introduce
a new legislative program that the country desperately needs, Sir John Major
prorogued Parliament to prevent the release of documents that exposed the
involvement of his Party members in a sleaze and corruption scandal.
This is breathtaking hypocrisy of the very highest order
and Sir John Major doesn’t give a damn. He doesn’t give a damn what the people
think, he doesn’t give a damn for his own reputation or that of the political
class and he doesn’t give a damn about the detrimental effect this will have on British
All he cares about is the preservation of the European Union
and its nation building project which will not survive Brexit and a prosperous Great
Britain outside its shackles.
Sir John Major may have been the grey man of British
politics and one of the worst Prime Ministers in history, but the damage done
to the country by this fanatical Europhile is serious and most likely
He was Chancellor of the Exchequer on Black Wednesday when
Great Britain crashed out of the European Union’s Exchange Rate Mechanism
costing the economy billions of pounds.
He was the Prime Minister that signed the Maastricht Treaty
which surrendered whole swathes of Parliamentary sovereignty to the unelected
bureaucrats in Brussels without consulting the people and without a
He was part of the cabal of fanatical Europhiles that
overthrew Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher because of her pro- British, pro-American, anti-European
Union stance. This act of treachery led to thirteen years of the most
destructive socialist governments since the war and a complete surrender to the
European Union via the Lisbon Treaty.
On the domestic front Sir John is notorious for cheating on
his wife with his colleague, Edwina Curry, one of the most unpopular government
minsters of the time, and setting up the ‘cones hotline’.
This harebrained
scheme was meant to win over the voting public by setting up a dedicated phone
line which the motorist could call to complain about traffic cones at roadworks
delaying their journeys.

To conclude, John Major’s reward for his treachery,
incompetence and destructive Premiership was the highest order of chivalry in
the British honors system.
Making a treacherous fool like John Major a Knight of the Garter
is rewarding failure as well as downgrading the exclusive and noble order which
was founded by King Edward III in 1348; it also brings the entire honors system
into question.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Hugh Grant Unleashes A Foul Mouthed Rant at Boris Johnson
The hysteria surrounding the prorogation of Parliament by
Boris Johnson is reaching fever pitch with no signs of it abating. People from
all walks of life are enlightening the great unwashed with their pearls of
wisdom in the hope that they will see the error of their ways and hate Boris
just like they do.
One could understand people being persuaded by an academic
or someone with a lifetime of experience who understands the issues and can articulate their
point view with clarity. Actors, singers and other individuals from the world of
entertainment rarely meet these criteria.
One such sage from the entertainment community who felt the
need to enlighten the world with his opinion is the English actor Hugh Grant.
There was nothing persuasive about his foul-mouthed rant except maybe to confirm that he is ignorant, and Boris Johnson is right.
With all the eloquence he could
muster Hugh Grant informed the exclusively educated Boris Johnson:
“You will not
fuck with my children’s future. You will not destroy the freedoms my
grandfather fought two world wars to defend. Fuck off you over-promoted rubber
bath toy. Britain is revolted by you and your little gang of masturbatory
Apart from celebrity obsessed snowflakes
and the intellectually challenged glitterati, I am confident that Hugh Grant hasn’t changed
a single mind. Instead he has confirmed that he is an
ill-informed, potty mouthed, self-opinionated has-been actor who is throwing a
tantrum because he lost the Brexit vote.
Why anyone would take this pansy seriously is beyond reason.
Apart from being as wet as lettuce, Hugh Grant suffers from poor judgment and a
complete lack of self-awareness.
Poor judgment such as cheating on the iconic fashion beauty
Liz Hurley with a charming young lady named Divine Brown, a Los Angeles prostitute he picked up off the
If that isn’t poor judgment, getting caught by the police
performing a lurid sex act with her in a public place surely is. So is the fact
that Ms Brown charged him $60 for her services but for $40 more they could have got a room and not got
caught. Now that really is poor judgment for a multi-millionaire as well as stingy.
As a bit of a ladies’ man himself with a few dalliances of his own, Boris
Johnson’s judgment has also been called into question. It doesn’t excuse his behavior,
but his judgment was such that he was never caught performing a lewd act in
public and certainly not with a prostitute he picked up off the street.
Looking in detail at the content of his rant exposes Grant's ignorance about the whole issue of the European Union and what it is about. A
good old fashioned fisk reveals all.
“You will not fuck with my children’s future” –
Surrendering the governance of his children's country to a cabal of corrupt, unelected foreign bureaucrats
in Brussels that don’t like them and can’t be removed by popular ballot is
hardly securing their future.
“You will not destroy the freedoms my grandfather fought
two world wars to defend” – His grandfather would be rolling in his grave if he knew that the freedoms he fought for have been meekly surrendered
to a German dominated superstate.
The continent and the battlefields on which grandpa fought are now controlled by the enemy that tried so hard to kill him.
“Fuck off you over promoted rubber bath toy” – I
would hardly consider an exclusively educated politician who was a renown journalist, a successful
former Mayor of London and a former Foreign Secretary as over promoted. I am sure
Boris Johnson will not be bothered in the slightest by this insult from a
has-been actor and degenerate public fornicator.
“Britain is revolted by you and your little gang of
masturbatory prefects” – Far from being revolted, all the indications are that the exact
opposite is true; Boris Johnson is a very likable person and very popular
among the general public. With a 10% + lead in the opinion polls he would be
elected as Prime Minister should there be an election tomorrow.
In complete contrast, if anyone attracts revulsion, it’s
Hugh Grant with his degenerate public behavior with a prostitute he picked up off
the street.
Also, if anyone is surrounded by a gang of masturbatory prefects,
it’s an actor from the notoriously hedonistic entertainment community whose
heads are firmly planted up each other’s nether regions.
If one can endure it without puking, take a cursory glance at any award ceremony and watch hoards of masturbatory prefects fall over themselves to deliver oleaginous speeches while they indulge in an orgy of mutual back slapping.
If one can endure it without puking, take a cursory glance at any award ceremony and watch hoards of masturbatory prefects fall over themselves to deliver oleaginous speeches while they indulge in an orgy of mutual back slapping.
To conclude this piece of fun and frivolity it's worth
quoting Divine Brown after she compared his manhood with her other clients.
“If I was rating it out of 10 in terms of size and
quality, I’d give it 6. I’ve seen bigger and I’ve seen smaller but his was cute”.
Associated article:
Hugh Grant suffers as Divine delivers 'cute' retribution.
Grant has joined the general election 2019 general election campaign.
Grant has joined the general election 2019 general election campaign.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Phony Outrage As Boris Prorogues Parliament
One can judge whether a course of action is correct by the
reaction of one’s opponents and in the case of the proroguing Parliament by Her
Majesty the Queen at the request of Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, this is
absolutely the right thing to do.
For the uninitiated, proroguing is the constitutional
procedure which is used to bring a session of Parliament to an end in order
that a new legislative session can begin.
The phony outrage of the political class and the deliberately
whipped up hysteria that has greeted this legitimate constitutional action speaks
volumes about the Europhile snowflakes and the current occupants of Great Britain's once respected legislative
The justification for their outrage and hysteria is as phony
as they are and riddled with lies and deception.
These Parliamentarians claim to be the stalwart defenders of democracy so it’s
worth reminding ourselves of the circumstances that led up this phony constitutional crisis
and how duplicitous these people are.
Parliament legislated for a once in a lifetime,
winner-take-all, binding referendum in June 2016 to settle the contentious
issue of Great Britain’s membership of the European Union.
In defiance of Parliament and despite a campaign of fear,
the people voted to leave the European Union in the biggest exercise of
democracy in the country’s history.
In the 2017 general election, eighty percent of the votes
went to parties who committed in their election manifestos to implement the result of the
referendum. No one knew at the time that they were lying and had no intention
of implementing the result.
After an inexplicable delay which allowed the Europhiles to
regroup and plan their campaign to overturn the result, Parliament finally
legislated to trigger Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty which was the mechanism
for leaving the corrupt and failing EU.
This meant a transition period and a leaving date on March 29th, 2019; a date that will live in infamy. The self-appointed stalwart
defenders of democracy made sure that this didn’t happen, and a new leaving
date of October 31st, 2019 replaced it as the law of the land.
The same Parliamentarians who made this leaving date the law
of the land are claiming that it is undemocratic to implement it. Even by their standards of deception this is turning
the truth on its head in true Orwellian fashion.
This is the crux of the matter so it’s worth repeating in order for it to sink in; Parliamentarians are claiming that it’s undemocratic to implement
the law of the land that they themselves passed through Parliament and put on
the Statute Book.
It's an extraordinary claim that by proroguing Parliament
democracy has been suspended when they have used every dirty trick in the Parliamentary
book to subvert democracy in order to reverse the result of the Brexit
It is also an extraordinary claim that ending the session on
the proposed date robs them of four days debate on the Brexit issue when they
have spent three years debating the subject with the intention of delaying
Great Britain’s exit, ad infinitum.
They claim that prorogation is an abuse of Parliamentary
procedures when, with the aid of the hideously biased Speaker of the House, John Bercow, they have driven a coach and horses through these same procedures especially with
respect to the tabling and choosing amendments and motions that frustrate
They have ignored the fact that Prime Minster, John Major,
prorogued Parliament for six long weeks to avoid acting on a Parliamentary
expenses scandal.
To their eternal shame, Europhile Members used a convicted
criminal who was out of jail on license and being monitored by the police with
an ankle tag, to cast the winning vote in piece of anti-Brexit legislation.
Their claim that Parliament is sovereign raises two
important issues that exposes these people for the charlatans that they are.
It is the people who are sovereign not Parliament and when
Parliament is given a direct order by the people it is not up for discussion or
debate, they must carry it out. The people were asked whether to leave the
European Union or remain and they voted to leave. That is the end of the issue,
leave we must.
Secondly, despite repeated assurances that no Parliamentary
sovereignty will be surrendered by joining the Common Market, which was the
precursor to the European Union, treacherous politicians surrendered virtually all
the peoples’ sovereignty by stealth over four decades to the unelected
bureaucrats in Brussels.
By transferring the peoples’ sovereignty to Brussels,
Parliamentarians will have no legislative function other than giving national
legitimacy to legislation given to then by the unelected European Union
Commissioners; in effect they will have reduced themselves to a rubber stamp.
The once respected Mother of Parliaments is nothing more
than an expensive talking shop comprised of almost fifteen hundred redundant
legislators with an army of civil servants and other faceless bureaucrats.
To conclude, the people voted to take the legislative
functions of Parliament back from Brussels to Westminster, but the self-appointed
stalwart defenders of democracy don’t want it.
In fact, they are fighting tooth and nail to prevent it from
happening. By proroguing Parliament Boris Johnson is making sure that these
democracy deniers are thwarted in their attempts to stop Brexit by making sure
that the law of the land is implemented, and the British people regain their
independence in accordance with the law on October 31st, 2019.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Anti-White Project 1619. Rewriting American History
Propaganda and rewriting history have been essential weapons
in the armory of tyrants down the ages as they attempt to demonize and delegitimize the
regime they are endeavoring to overthrow as well as giving legitimacy to their
One would think that in today’s western democracies enlightened people would see this crude weapon for what it is and ignore it.
This in turn might encourage the power brokers and their propagandists to
refrain from insulting the people’s intelligence with their attempted forgery,
but unfortunately this is not the case.
With their Project 1619, The New York Times has
embarked on a propaganda campaign to rewrite history in true Pol Pot fashion. In
their history-perverting minds, Year Zero in America was August 1619 with the arrival of the first slaves from Africa.
According to them it was on this date that the ‘true’ founding
of America began. Shamefully, and with malice aforethought, Project 1619 is planned to be added to the school curriculum with the malign intention of brainwashing children with phony history.
This false narrative not only ignores or downplays the
arrival of Christopher Columbus in 1492 but also the arrival of the Paleo-Indians
who arrived from Siberia around 10,000 BC.
According to the NYT, this crude attempt at rewriting history “places
the consequences of slavery and the contributions of black Americans at the
very center of the story that we tell ourselves about who we are”.
They want to make slavery the central issue in the entire
history of the United States, but they ignore the part played by Irish, Asian
and other non-African slaves whose contribution to the building of modern
America was much more significant than that of plantation workers.
As bonded laborers Irish, Chinese and press ganged British paupers, along with other non-Africans, built the trans-continental railways as well
as working on the tobacco and cotton plantations alongside the slaves from
Africa. (See here)
This rewriting of history by the NYT is part of the ongoing
and escalating war against white Americans where they are being demonized in
the mainstream media and on the Democratic Party primary election campaign trail.
They are also attempting to deny the fact that it was European settlers and their descendants that founded the Republic and were the driving force that built the America we see
This perversion of true history is being perpetrated by the ideologically
driven, left wing establishment as part of their long planned ‘fundamental
transformation’ of America. As we recall, this was a campaign soundbite of that
pretender to the crown, Barry Soetoro, known to the world as Barack Obama.
This articulate, telegenic, mixed-race speech reader with no history and a manufactured
background was the front man for the deep state who have ramped up their
anti-white rhetoric to hysterical levels since the election of President Trump.
Their ongoing project to transform America into a socialist
state has been halted and put into reverse by the election of President Trump; this has forced them into evermore desperate measures which include the demonizing and denunciation of white people and the capitalist America they have created.
This demonizing and denunciation of white people is accompanied by accusations of white privilege, white supremacy, white nationalism and institutional racism which is used to delegitimize the very foundation and existence of America.
This demonizing and denunciation of white people is accompanied by accusations of white privilege, white supremacy, white nationalism and institutional racism which is used to delegitimize the very foundation and existence of America.
The truth is that America was founded by white European settlers which included Christians fleeing religious persecution at home; the greatness and wealth of the country we see today is the result of the
initiative, innovation, sacrifice, and pioneering spirit of those same white
European settlers and their descendants.
What the NYT propaganda deliberately ignores is the fact
that slavery was abolished in 1865 after some 620,000 mainly white people died in one of the bloodiest
civil wars in history. Combined with the civil rights laws of the 1960’s the American
dream became available to all citizens regardless of skin color or the country of
origin of their ancestors.
For the Democrats and the deep state to
achieve their socialist dream it is imperative that black people retain their
victim status and the plantation mentality along with their animosity
toward white people regardless of whether they are the actual descendents of slaves, or Africans who arrived voluntarily as migrants seeking a better life.
The call for reparations by the Democratic candidates is deliberately
designed to appeal to their anti-white, anti-American base and to stoke up interracial
tensions even further.
Such is their hatred of capitalist America and its white history, it would suit their purposes to ignite a race war which they hope would result in its downfall after which they could build their beloved socialist
state out of the wreckage.
Judging by the demographics of gun ownership this would be a massive miscalculation with grave consequences for themselves and their socialist dream.
Judging by the demographics of gun ownership this would be a massive miscalculation with grave consequences for themselves and their socialist dream.
For the benefit of the NYT, along with its readers and the
rest of the world, the history of Africans in America covers a mere four hundred
years while that of the Europeans is five hundred and twenty-seven years and
that of the Paleo-Indians and their modern descendants some twelve thousand
The NYT Project 1619 is just another attempt by socialists and their
fellow travelers to rewrite history in order to precipitate the downfall of
capitalist America and the descendants of the white Europeans responsible for its founding.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Unapproved Opinions Are Not Allowed in The Liberal Utopia
The right to form one’s own opinions and the freedom to
express them publicly is a fundamental right that is coming under attack by
governments and supranational bodies across the free world because they fear
the unrestricted flow of information and opinions will counter their own
It is now increasingly the case that people expressing an
opinion that fails to fit the ‘progressive’ narrative being created by the globalist
elite will attract sanctions and in some cases arrest and prosecution.
Doctors and teachers have been sacked for expressing
unapproved opinions on gender while pupils have been expelled from school for
the same reason. Scientists have been ostracized and denied a forum if the
results of their research fail to fit the false narrative the globalists have created
on climate change.
The rights that have been endowed upon us by our Creator are
inalienable and cannot be taken away by politicians but that won’t stop them
trying. Therefore, it is incumbent upon us, the people of the free world, to
exercise those rights whenever and wherever we choose lest the political elite
deem them obsolete and use that as an excuse to let them wither on the vine or revoke them.
To that end I will exercise my inalienable right to express opinions that the authorities would like to ban, and which have attracted
sanctions in the recent past:
Regardless of the current narrative being
imposed by supranational institutions and 'progressive' governments around the world there are only two
genders, male and female. Neither politicians nor the so-called LGBTQ+ ‘community’
can override biological science. Neither can they override the Laws of Nature
or of Nature’s God.
Furthermore, it is also my opinion that men identifying as
women are still men and should not be allowed to participate in women’s
sporting competitions. Nor should they use women’s locker rooms, bathrooms,
dormitories or any other facility that has been designated as ‘Women Only’.
Despite a concerted campaign by the United Nations, the Pope, the Archbishop of Canterbury and
governments around the world to portray it as benign, Islam is not a great
global religion of peace. One only has to read the Koran and look at the carnage meted out across the world by its adherents to see that nothing could be further from the truth.
After reading the Koran, listening to its preachers of hate and looking at the carnage perpetrated in its name, it is my opinion that Islam is a death
cult intent on making the whole world subject to shariah law.
To compound my crime, it is my humble opinion that Islam is
incompatible with the Judeo-Christian culture of the west and therefore
immigration of its adherents should be severely restricted.
Climate Change
After studying the evidence and paying attention to the
enthusiasm with which politicians have embraced it, I've concluded that there is no climate
emergency. Life on earth will not become extinct in ten, twenty or a hundred
years because human activity is creating an earthly version of Dante's inferno by heating up the planet to Gas Mark 9.
The entire climate change issue is a naked power grab by
politicians and the global elite as well as being a lucrative money-making scam
for unscrupulous, opportunist fake scientists.
The land of Israel is the ancient and eternal homeland of
the Jewish people and Jerusalem is its capital. There is no evidence,
archaeological, written or otherwise to suggest that there has ever been a
centrally governed, homogeneous country called Palestine. The phony stolen land
narrative is used by anti-Semites as cover for their hatred of Jews.
Mass Immigration
From my research it is the majority opinion that mass
immigration has been an unmitigated disaster for the British people and their
way of life. If there is one issue that highlights the gaping chasm between the
people and the politicians, it’s their policy of open border mass immigration. There
is not a town or city that has not been blighted by the mass influx of
incompatible people from the Third World as well as economic migrants and welfare colonists.
Despite a shortage of housing, school places, health care
provision, money and other social infrastructure the politicians
absolutely refuse to stop it.
Imposed Multi-culturalism
Contrary to the ludicrous claim by the political class and
their globalist bedfellows, Great Britain is not the most successful,
multi-ethnic, multi-religious, multi-cultural country on earth. A title, incidentally that is claimed by Australia, Canada, the United
States and others.
The reality is that Great Britain is home to thousands of
semi-autonomous, mono-cultural ghettos controlled by imams, tribal elders and gang leaders. Many are welfare supported, crime-ridden and off limits to the
police and the indigenous population.
In areas governed by shariah law the Queen's writ does not
run. They are, for all intents and purposes, foreign countries within the United
Kingdom. Hailed as an example of a successful multi-cultural city, London is
now a white minority third world cesspit where turf wars and other violent crimes
are out of control. There are oases of peace and prosperity, but they are few
and far between and occupied exclusively by the minted elite.
No politician has ever explained to the British people why they
should ‘celebrate diversity’ or how ‘diversity is our strength’ when the incomers
continue their ancient rivalries and bloody conflicts on British soil.
How is diversity our strength when the government must
spend millions of taxpayers' money on something called ‘community cohesion’?
The jury is still out but it appears that more people are leaning toward the view that
life begins at conception. It is most definitely present when a heartbeat is
detected. A fetus in the womb is not ‘a clump of cells’ as the abortionists claim, to be destroyed and
disposed of because its inconvenient.
It’s strange to think that if a single celled organism was found on
Mars it would be evidence of life but a fully formed baby in the womb is merely
a ‘clump of cells’ that can be legally put to death.
Political Correctness
This is the insidious force by which the ruling political
class imposes its will on the people. It does this by strictly controlling what
they can say in public. By narrowing down what can be said they will eventually control what can be thought.
When this stage is reached only government approved opinions
will be allowed and the nightmare of George Orwell’s prophetic novel 1984 will be
a reality.
There are many more opinions which the politicians and their agents in the police service would like to suppress but I will conclude by saying that I believe the opinions expressed here are held by the majority and by expressing them I have committed heresy and even blasphemy
against the politically correct agenda that the government and the supranational
bodies are forcing the people to accept.
Also, I have left myself open to censorship and if a single snowflake takes offence and the authorities take note I am liable for possible prosecution for hate speech which I would consider to be a small price to pay in defence of our inalienable right to hold and express an opinion.
Criticising halal meat is an 'obscene racial comment'.
Criticising halal meat is an 'obscene racial comment'.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Creating Climate Hysteria in The Pursuit of Global Power
When career politicians unequivocally state that ‘the
science is settled and the debate is over’, alarm bells should ring in the
heads of those people who treasure liberty, democracy and the prosperity they
bring. This is especially true when these same politicians are ideologically
driven globalists with an agenda they intend to impose on the developed world.
The sad part is not the perverted science they use to
justify their claim but the fact that supposedly intelligent people swallow the
whole climate change scam hook, line and sinker. This is particularly true of
the British people who would allow the political ruling elite to destroy their
economy and return them to the pre-industrial era of urban and rural abject poverty
for no benefit whatsoever.
To assist those poor souls to understand that they are being
taken for a ride by unscrupulous, lying politicians, and by gullible schoolkids
egged on by immature adults from The Extinction Rebellion protest movement, here is some science in the
simplest terms possible so that even they can understand it.
It includes pictures for the terminally brainwashed and those infected
by groupthink.
This is a lump of coal.
It is made from tropical carboniferous rain forests and swamps
that have been fossilized over millions of years. This means that Great Britain
had a tropical climate that allowed vegetation such as this to thrive.
This is a tropical carboniferous rain forest.
In the geological strata of Great Britain there are multiple
layers of coal which means that the tropical climate and the associated rain forests came and went many times
down the ages without the influence of human activity.
This is an ice sheet.
Great Britain has been covered in ice sheets thousands of
feet thick many times down the ages, including one as recently as ten thousand
years ago. For the benefit of those taken in by the climate change scam that is
the blink of an eye in geological time.
Glaciers have advanced and retreated many times carving the
landscape we see today including the valleys of Wales and the lake districts of
England and Scotland.
By adding these two natural phenomena together, the resultant conclusion is
that the climate in Great Britain has changed between tropical heat and humidity and freezing Arctic ice ages many
times without human activity.
At the behest of the global elite, and under the auspices of
the United Nations, the grant chasing fake scientists are making the claim that
CO2 as a byproduct of human activity is causing the climate to heat up to the point where the planet will become uninhabitable.
They tried using climate change to seize power in the 1970’s
by claiming we are all going to freeze to death in a new man-made ice age but
that failed to capture the public imagination. People may have been smarter in
those days as opposed to the gullible generation of today who have outsourced
thinking to the government and will believe anything they are fed.
I digress so back to some easy to understand science. The
British Parliament have already put into law that the modern industrial, developed economy must be wrecked in
order to reduce ‘carbon’ emissions to zero and make the country carbon free by
the year 2050.
To whip up the hysteria further the Labour Party and some other
Parliamentarians want to declare a ‘climate emergency’ claiming that we have
only ten years to act in order to save the planet and humanity from extinction.
They want zero carbon emissions and a carbon free country by 2030.
Being career politicians with eyes only on their globalist agenda and their
re-election they don’t know that using coal does not emit carbon, which is a
solid but carbon dioxide which is a gas, but again I digress.
Here is more easy to understand science for the benefit of politicians
and the gullible public that swallow the nonsense they emit:
Earth’s atmosphere contains 0.04% carbon dioxide, a trace
gas essential to life on earth. Of that 0.04% only 3% is the result of human
activity therefore 97% is natural. Of that 3% only 1.1% is generated in Great
Whether Great Britain reduces its carbon dioxide emissions
to zero tomorrow, by 2030 or 2050, the effect on the climate is so immeasurably minuscule
it is zero for all practical purposes.
To counter this reality the politicians make the ridiculous claim that if Great Britain reduces its ‘carbon’ emissions to zero the rest
of the industrial, developed world will follow suit.
The facts are that Great Britain has decreased its carbon
dioxide emissions by 38% since 1990 but counter to what the politicians claim
the emissions by the top industrialized nations have risen substantially during
that period.
The inconvenient truth is that during that period there has
been no rise in global temperatures while carbon dioxide emissions have continued
to rise inexorably. This means that the science that asserts a link between atmospheric carbon dioxide and global warming is not settled and therefore the debate is not over.
The reality is that the climate change emergency is manufactured,
and the attendant extinction hysteria is being deliberately stoked up and used as
an excuse for a power grab by the global elite. This is in response to the
election of climate realist Donald Trump and the imminent collapse of the globalist inspired European Union.
In conclusion: the idea that the earth’s climate can be
controlled by forcing the developed world to stop using electricity, driving cars, eating
meat, heating their homes, flying in airplanes and every other activity they
disapprove of is beyond risible.
Equally risible and totally insane would be the people of
the developed world voluntarily handing over control of their lives to a cabal
of globalist politicians whose only interest is the perverted pursuit of
absolute power.
Friday, August 9, 2019
The Truth About White Slavery and The Myth of White Supremacy
David Lammy, the Member of Parliament for the London ghetto
of Tottenham, is a vile racist who is totally obsessed with skin colour. He
uses his black privilege and the two-tier criminal justice system to make
pejorative, anti-white statements about the British people knowing he can get
away with it without sanction.
He has incited violence against white people who cannot
respond in kind because of his black privilege and the immunity given to him by the two-tier criminal
justice system. The once respected protectors of law and order are now dedicated to imposing a politically correct agenda on
behalf of the state. This includes shutting down any criticism of Lammy and his supporters with threats of prosecution and even imprisonment.
The following article will be considered as provocative and racist, but it is the truth
and an indictment of the police, the media, political establishment and
everyone else who allow Lammy to get away with hate speech and incitement to
violence without sanction. It is also a challenge to these same people to stop
pandering to racists like Lammy by returning the justice system to equality under law and treating Lammy as they would any other racist:
It’s not surprising when black politicians use their skin color
to endear themselves to their black constituents in order to get re-elected and
remain aboard the gravy train. At a time when false narratives, fake news and
outright lying are employed by politicians in their election campaigns they are
employing what they consider to be an acceptable practice.
What is unforgivable and downright evil is for these black politicians
to stir up racial hatred and violence against white people by claiming to be
the victims of the long-abolished slave trade. Their outrageously false claim
is that the legacy of slavery has perpetuated their victimhood which is
manifested today by so-called white supremacy and white privilege of the host
Due to the rewriting of history, slavery is falsely portrayed
as being exclusively perpetrated by white people forcibly removing black people from Africa to
labour on the farms and plantations of America and the colonies.
Actual history has shown us that slavery is not exclusively white on black but endemic across the planet down the ages including the victors in war enslaving the vanquished. The Egyptians and Babylonians enslaved the Israelites, the Romans enslaved the British, the Turks enslaved the Greeks and so on and so forth.
More recently, the Nazi's enslaved the Jews and other unfavoured ethnic groups in purpose made concentration/extermination camps.
Even Africans were enslaving other Africans and selling them to Arabs and other slave traders prior to the arrival of Europeans. Slavery is still legal in many Islamic countries and in some other countries in the developing world to this day.
Actual history has shown us that slavery is not exclusively white on black but endemic across the planet down the ages including the victors in war enslaving the vanquished. The Egyptians and Babylonians enslaved the Israelites, the Romans enslaved the British, the Turks enslaved the Greeks and so on and so forth.
More recently, the Nazi's enslaved the Jews and other unfavoured ethnic groups in purpose made concentration/extermination camps.
Even Africans were enslaving other Africans and selling them to Arabs and other slave traders prior to the arrival of Europeans. Slavery is still legal in many Islamic countries and in some other countries in the developing world to this day.
The existence of white slaves and indentured labourers that
could also be bought and sold in the slave markets is studiously ignored by Lammy and his ilk. Also
ignored is the transportation to the colonies of debtors, petty criminals and
those considered to be ‘undesirables’ to be used as slave labour by the British ruling
class of the day.
Black politicians and their anti-white supporters also never
mention the workhouses and debtors’ prisons that were nothing less than institutions
of white slavery that persisted long after the slave trade was abolished in
Great Britain and the colonies.
These black politicians are well aware that institutional white
slavery existed, but they deliberately ignore it because it doesn’t fit with their
white imposed victimhood narrative. They totally ignore the barons and serfdom which was white slavery that endured in Great Britain for centuries.
No student of British history could possibly argue that conditions in
the coal mines, iron works and fabric mills during the British industrial
revolution were infinitely worse than the cotton fields and sugar plantations
of America and the colonies.
The same can be said for housing where the working classes
lived in the most appalling vermin infested slums with little or no amenities as
opposed to a wooden cabin on a plantation albeit a rudimentary structure.
The industry owners of the day were no better than slave
masters who used the truck system of remuneration along with debt to keep their
workers enslaved to their factories, coal mines, mills and foundries and wages at
starvation levels.
It must be remembered that women and children also worked in the same appalling conditions in coal mines, iron works, mills and factories for long hours earning nothing more than a pittance. It was said at the time that the owners gave their employees just enough so that they would reproduce and supply another generation of cheap, enslaved workers.
It must be remembered that women and children also worked in the same appalling conditions in coal mines, iron works, mills and factories for long hours earning nothing more than a pittance. It was said at the time that the owners gave their employees just enough so that they would reproduce and supply another generation of cheap, enslaved workers.
The continual verbal abuse of white British citizens by
David Lammy MP and his fellow ingrates is not just divisive but it is stirring
up racial hatred using rewritten history which makes it infinitely worse.
His constant accusations of white supremacy and white privilege needs to be countered before it becomes accepted as the established truth which will relegate the actual truth to the status of myth.
His constant accusations of white supremacy and white privilege needs to be countered before it becomes accepted as the established truth which will relegate the actual truth to the status of myth.
Lammy is a Labour MP so he should at least know something of
the history of the British working class and the folklore of the Labour Movement he claims to
represent. It is a history of deprivation, sacrifice and bloodshed exclusively suffered by the ancestors of the white people he now gratuitously insults.
In the Great Britain he hates because of the slave trade he should
at least acknowledge the lengths the people went to in order to abolish it. This began with Somerset v Stewart in 1772 when slavery was proved to be unsupported in British law.
White people went on to abolish slavery by passing the Slave
Trade Act in 1807 and led by abolitionist, William Wilberforce, white people abolished slavery once and for across the empire by passing the Slavery Abolition Act in 1833.
In addition to these legislative efforts, mill workers used their white privilege to get killed in the
Peterloo massacre of 1819 while agitating for Parliamentary reform.
In the Merthyr Rising of 1831 white people rose up in
insurrection after the Iron Masters refused to alleviate the appalling deprivation
being suffered by the iron workers and coal miners. To set an example to the working class, coal
miners leader, Richard Lewis, was falsely accused of stabbing a soldier and
subsequently hanged.
The white leaders of the Tollpuddle Martyrs were transported
to the prison colony in Australia in 1834 for trying to form a trade union.
During the Chartist Uprising in Newport in 1839 white
working-class people were massacred while agitating for Parliamentary reform.
The leaders were sentenced to be hung, drawn and quartered. Fortunately, the
sentence was commuted to transportation to the prison colony in Australia.
The Jarrow Crusade in 1936 saw members of the working-class
communities use their white privilege to march from Jarrow in the north of
England to London in order to present a petition to Parliament protesting
unemployment and poverty.
The freedoms and relative prosperity enjoyed by the British
people today was won by the blood and sacrifice of a population that endured poverty
and conditions that were worse than any plantation
David Lammy’s parents took advantage of this sacrifice and voluntarily left their sun kissed Caribbean paradise to make their way to a cold, wet and
windswept island in the north Atlantic with a ninety percent white population.
This is the same island and population that their son claims
are racists and white supremacists whose sole mission in life is to use their
white privilege to oppress Mr. Lammy and the black community presumably to make their lives
Mr. Lammy was so oppressed and discriminated against by the white people of Great Britain that he availed himself of a first-class
education. He was awarded a scholarship at the of age ten to attend a prestigious
school founded by Henry VIII. He went on to study law at the University of London Law School and then to Harvard University in racist America. He was called to the
bar at Lincolns Inn and practiced as a Barrister before becoming a Member of
Not too bad for a country he claims uses institutional
racism and intolerance to discriminate against black people to keep them confined to menial jobs in the ghetto.
According to the 2011 census, white British comprise 87.1% of
the population so it’s obvious that they will be the dominant ethnic group and
their way of life will take precedent over that of more recent arrivals. Black British
comprise 3.0%, Indian British 2.3% and Chinese British 0.7%.
It is noticeable that the Indian and Chinese British communities combined also comprise 3% of the population but they don’t insult and smear the
white British people despite being shipped to all corners of the empire like the
Africans were.
It could be that the Indian and Chinese British are
industrious, entrepreneurial, self-supporting, family orientated communities
who take advantage of the opportunities Great Britain has to offer as opposed
to wallowing in victimhood from a long-gone era while blaming white people and demanding reparations.
Looking at the state of the African nations that sold their
fellow countrymen to the slave traders, David Lammy should be grateful that his
ancestors were shipped to the colonies because he may not be the successful
wealthy man he is today, he may not even have existed at all.
It is the view of many that his ancestors were not so much stolen
from Africa but rescued. No one denies they suffered hardship but no worse than
the ancestors of British white working class who were not responsible for
The British people have no white privilege and they are not white supremacists.
To insult and smear them as if they are white supremacists who were responsible
for slavery serves only to stir up division and hatred which will not benefit his
community, or any other community, should it descend into inter-communal animosity and violence.
I will conclude with the words of the great Mohammad Ali
when asked about what he thought about Africa after he spent some time there preparing for his rumble in the jungle with George Foreman
“I’m glad my granddaddy got on that boat”.
Amen to that.
Previous and associated articles:
Labours' David Lammy 'fakes' race hate letters.
David Lammy - Black Privilege, White Hatred and Immunity.
Previous and associated articles:
Labours' David Lammy 'fakes' race hate letters.
David Lammy - Black Privilege, White Hatred and Immunity.
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