While the attention of the American administration was
focused on North Korea and their attempt to manufacture a nuclear missile
capable of reaching the continental United States, they took their eyes off the
threat from across the Atlantic.
In a pincer movement the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, has warned
that America will be attacked if President Trump refuses to lift his
non-existent Muslim ban and European Union President Jean-Claude Junker has
threatened to break up the United States if President Trump continues to
support Brexit. (Let Muslims in or else here and here)
I’m sure our American cousins will be quaking in their
cowboy boots and retreating into their bunkers at the thought of these two
political non-entities attacking and subjugating a nation that was built on
individual liberty, free enterprise and constitutionally limited government. (Junker threatens USA here)
The American system of government is the exact opposite to the
freedom crushing, poverty inducing socialist administration of Mayor Khan and
the rapidly disintegrating socialist tyranny of Jean-Claude Junker, known universally
as the EU.
Being the global socialists that they are, hatred of the United
States and all it stands for is a prerequisite; their hatred has been
compounded by President Trump’s vow to fight the globalist agenda of creating a
borderless, one world government and putting the safety and prosperity of the
American people first.
Since they went to the media with their ludicrous opinions
its worth looking at these two characters in a little more detail so that the
American public know what they are dealing with.
Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan is the living embodiment
of the decline of Great Britain’s once mighty capital city. What the tourist
brochures don’t show are the violent, semi-autonomous, mono-cultural ghettos,
where not even the police dare to venture, that flourish outside the tourist
White flight into the suburbs and neighboring counties has
rendered London a white minority city and it shows. It is most definitely not
the tolerant multi-cultural city at ease with itself that the politicians would
have you believe.
Like all Muslims, Mayor Khan is a loyal to the Ummah first
and this was demonstrated by his warning to President Trump to moderate his
stance on Muslims or face attack. He is obviously unaware that the Mayor of
London has no input into foreign affairs and Khan has no business telling the
President of the United States what he should or should not do.
It is his follow up statement that exposes Khan as the
ignorant little imbecile that he actually is. The guy must have the memory span
of a mayfly when he opines thus:
“Donald Trump’s ignorant view of Islam could make both our
countries less safe – it risks alienating mainstream Muslims around the world
and plays into the hands of the extremists. Donald Trump and those around him
think that western liberal values are incompatible with mainstream Islam –
London has proved him wrong”.
Khan has obviously forgotten that as a resident of Manhattan
President Trump learned all he needs to know about Islam and it adherents on
9/11. Like the majority of Americans, President Trump’s supposed ignorance of
Islam was lifted after the Boston Marathon, Chattanooga, San Bernadino and Fort
Hood massacres among others.
His selective amnesia is further demonstrated when he states
that London has proved President Trump and his team wrong when they think that
western liberal values are incompatible with mainstream Islam.
London has not proved President Trump or members of his
administration wrong when it comes to incompatibility of values. In Great
Britain and America, western liberal values are not required to be compatible
with Islam, in fact the reverse is true; if Muslims want to live in the west
they must adapt to western values without question and not make the continuous incessant
demands on the indigenous population in the way that they do.
The 7/7 massacres in London and the 2016 various Muslim
surveys indicate that western values are indeed incompatible with Islam. (See here)

His dream of replacing the independent nation states of
Europe with a single superstate governed by appointed bureaucrats like him has
been fatally damaged by the desire of the British people to be the
self-governing nation they were before the treacherous political class
surrendered their sovereignty to the likes of Junker. (Boozed up Junker here video here)
For the uninitiated, the EU is part of the wider project of
the global elite to form a borderless global government and a post-democratic
President Trump’s election and his support for Brexit has
put a stop to their four decade long project and this has sent the already
unstable Junker into the stratosphere. He has warned that unless President
Trump stops his support for Brexit he will use the EU to break up the United
The American people need not worry, just like the Liberal/Progressive
community in the USA, Junker and the ruling cabal in Europe don’t like to lose elections
and throw juvenile, emotionally driven tantrums when they do.
In conclusion, the American people and President Trump should
try not to laugh and not lose any sleep over this, these two political
non-entities with their armies of sycophants, bureaucrats and useful idiots
couldn’t scare the occupants of a kindergarten let alone the United States of
America. It would be wise however to stay vigilant and keep your powder dry
because they have powerful supporters and are well-resourced but more
importantly they are fanatics and they never, ever give up.
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