An elected President actually doing what he promised to do
during his election campaign is a novel concept in this age of lying,
self-serving politicians who promise all things to all men then go back on their
promises the moment they’re elected to office.
President Trump is a welcome exception who is doing exactly
what he promised to do so it’s hardly surprising that the sleazy career
politicians and the mainstream media whores that infest the Washington swamp
are panicking and working feverishly to delegitimize his Presidency and sabotage
his agenda.
Putting the American people first and keeping them safe from
Muslim terrorists and illegal immigrant criminals was a signature policy during
his election campaign. He is implementing this in the face of opposition from all
quarters including agenda driven judges at home and the UN/EU global elite
This is in stark contrast to European leaders, including
British Prime Minister Theresa May, who are putting the interest of immigrants
first at the behest of the self-same UN/EU elite. It is despite an appalling
catalogue of crimes being visited upon the British and European people by
immigrants both legal and illegal, including some of the most dangerous Muslim terrorists
on the planet.

Some obviously adult immigrants are admitted as unaccompanied children who then go on to commit very grown up crimes. (See here)
While President Trump’s administration denies funding for so
called sanctuary cities, areas where ‘progressive’ politicians refuse to
enforce the law of the land with regard to illegal immigrants, Great Britain and
the EU elite allow them to remain and shower them with taxpayer funded welfare
benefits. (Forty convicted terrorists use the courts to remain in Great Britain here)
While President Trump’s administration enacts Kate's Law to
increase prison sentences for illegal immigrant criminals who have re-entered
the country after being previously deported, Great Britain and the EU elite
allow serial criminals to enter and remain. This includes multiple re-entries.(Kate Steinle murdered by an illegal immigrant here and here)
While President Trump’s administration revokes the
citizenship for immigrants who have lied on their application, Great Britain
and the EU elite hand out citizenship to any low life from the third world
regardless of their criminal past.
(American Judge revokes citizenship for lying here)
(Lying asylum seekers go back to their native country on holiday here)
With complete disregard for the safety of the British
people, Theresa May’s government has allowed some four hundred battle hardened,
blood-soaked jihadists to return from the battlefields of the Middle East
without sanction.
Incidentally, it’s worth noting that a law giving Theresa
May’s administration the power to revoke citizenship of jihadists, and any
other undesirables for that matter, they steadfastly refuse to use it; most likely
under pressure from the UN/EU elite.
By their own admission there are a further three thousand
dangerous Muslim jihadists under constant surveillance and they estimate a
further twenty-three thousand are roaming the streets of Great Britain planning
the mass murder of British citizens in the name of Allah, as commanded by their
Prophet and as written in the Koran.
While President Trump is not afraid to name the enemy as
radical Islamic terrorists, Theresa May and the EU elite continue to insult the
intelligence of the public by repeating the discredited and dishonest mantra
that these outrages perpetrated by Muslims are nothing to do with Islam and
that Islam is a great global religion of peace.
To universal condemnation from the global elite, the
policies being implemented by President Trump and his administration are what
he promised during his election campaign which was designed to protect the
American people and keep them safe.
Putting the interests and safety of their own citizens first and
foremost is an anathema to those British and European politicians who have sold
their souls to the UN/EU and their project to create a borderless, egalitarian
one world government.
These politicians are deluded by their own fanaticism and
refuse to accept that the United Nations and the European Union are sinking in
a sewer of their own corruption and rely on cultural replacement in the west to
complete their one world project. The UN cannot and will not survive the cynicism
of the rapidly awaking people of the developed world or the attention of
President Trump when he turns his attention to them.
Further reading for British government attitude to immigrants:
Terrorist is given 250k pounds of taxpayers funded legal aid to fight deportation
Terrorist with criminal history given British citizenship
Terrorist with criminal history given British citizenship
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