Despite censorship and information control across the
European Union news from the Geller
Report that the National Police Chief of Sweden, Dan Eliasson, is pleading
for help to deal with the outbreak of violent civil unrest comes as no surprise
to Sweden watchers and journalists from the free media.
What does come as a surprise is its severity as illustrated
by Mr. Elliasson when he warned that Swedish police forces can no longer uphold
the law and pleaded with all good forces in the country to support them. It is
even suggested that outside forces may be required such is the Swedish
authorities inability to cope with the insurrection.
The desperate situation is further emphasized by Johan
Patrik Engellau, a research expert regarding destabilized countries who is
quoted as saying “I’m afraid it is the
end for the well-organized, decent and egalitarian Sweden we have known up to
now. Personally, I would not be surprised if a form of civil war occurs. In
some places, the civil war has probably already begun”. In other words Sweden is finished.
(Must read Geller
Report here)
It’s difficult to imagine that an advanced European country
with a centuries’ old sophisticated culture could descend into third world
barbarity and civil war in a matter of decades.
What’s more difficult to comprehend is that the Swedish people
did this to themselves with hardly a squeak of protest until now when it’s too
They must be the dumbest people on the earth when they
believed their ‘progressive’ political class who ordained that their ancient Swedish culture and way
of life was moribund and must be replaced with a so-called
‘multicultural society’.
It’s a wonder that the Swedish people didn’t string him up
for treason when their former Prime Minister, Fredrik Reinfeldt, claimed that
Sweden’s borders are fictional and that Sweden belongs to the immigrants that
come here – not the Swedes. (See his statement here)
One cannot ignore the role of the UN in this disaster since
the destruction of Judeo-Christian civilization across Europe is an absolute necessity if their egalitarian, borderless one world project is to become a
Evidence that the descent of Sweden into a poverty ridden
third world hell-hole has been deliberately engineered by the Swedish government
at the behest of the UN is incontrovertible.
According to the UN’s own projections Sweden will become a
third world country by 2030 but they are doing nothing to halt the decline. In
fact the opposite is true, they are actively encouraging it.
Obviously the global elite believe that a poverty stricken
country riddled with disease and hunger on European continent is what the world
needs at this point in time. (See the report here)
The German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, is joined in her
insanity by former Swedish Minister of Finance, Anders Borg, who said in 2013
that he hoped Sweden will look like Africa in ten years.
His epiphany for the Africanisation of Sweden came about
during a visit to Lagos, Nigeria, where he noticed the beautiful colors of the
African ladies dresses compared to the reserved and dull dresses of their
Swedish equivalents.
He also explained that in ten years’ time it will look like
Africa throughout Europe and that Europe will be better than it is now, and
more multi-cultural.
(On a personal note; for my sins I spent some time in Nigeria during my expatriate career and I can assure readers that this is not a country one should aspire to emulate)
(On a personal note; for my sins I spent some time in Nigeria during my expatriate career and I can assure readers that this is not a country one should aspire to emulate)

President Trump was ridiculed by the political class when he highlighted the fact that Muslim controlled no-go zones exist in
cities across Europe, an existence which was roundly denied by the said
political class and their various mainstream media propaganda machines.
A leaked report from Sweden concludes that the number of
lawless areas in Sweden now totals 61. This is up from 55 in just one year. Lawless
areas being a politically correct term for sharia controlled no-go zones.
Former British Prime Minister, David Cameron, never tired of
repeating the dishonest and discredited mantra that Great Britain is the most
successful multi-ethnic, multi-religious, multi-cultural country on the planet;
a claim echoed by Australian Prime
Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau.
According to the UN Sweden is the best example of a peaceful
multi-cultural society despite it being acknowledged as the rape capital of the world and in the midst of a civil war.
The truth is somewhat different in Great Britain and across
Europe. Autonomous, welfare-financed Muslim ghettos are infesting all the major
cities which serve as breeding grounds for radical Islamic terrorists
on the home front as well as recruiting grounds for terrorist groups such as
ISIS, Hezbollah and Al Shabaab for wars abroad.
As the people of Europe know to their cost, especially those
in Great Britain, France and Belgium, it was terrorists from their Muslim
ghettos that dealt out death and destruction to their innocent compatriots and supplied
soldiers of Allah to fight in the Muslim wars across the Middle East, Africa
and central Asia.
To make matters infinitely worse, and with a complete
disregard for the safety of their citizens, the political class allow these
battle hardened killers to use their legal documentation to return ‘home’ with
their blood lust and devotion to Islam intact.
Not that the political class will ever admit it but the civil
war in Sweden is a disaster which is unfolding across the rest of Europe and it is a
direct result of their agenda to impose ‘multi-culturalism’ on people who
didn’t ask for it, weren’t consulted and don’t want it.

Read about mad Merkel’s censorship here
Read about Brits arrested for on-line comments while jihadis
roam free here
This dictatorial behavior and appeasement of the violent Islamic
terrorists in their midst will serve only to enrage the people further bringing
civil war across Europe an ever closer reality; this in turn will make the
Swedish civil war look mild by comparison.
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