The manufactured hysteria surrounding Brexit and the
election of President Trump that is dominating the media has had the
effect of keeping genuine human crises out of the public eye. Maybe that is
just as well for the professional political class since their lack of action
dealing with long term crises will expose their in-built duplicity and
The homeless crisis in Great Britain is a growing human
tragedy of epic proportions with no pragmatic solutions from the political
class forthcoming. Their virtue signaling and unwillingness to put their own
citizens before their global masters is making the crisis worse with every day
that passes.
There are currently 1.2 million people on the waiting list
for housing with a further 6 million with tenure insecurity and no prospect of
buying. To their eternal shame there are an estimated 4,000 rough sleepers on
the streets without a roof over their heads at all. (See here)

It is estimated that a city the size Bristol would need to
be built every year for a decade just to deal with the increase in
population due to past and current levels of immigration.
Despite the outrage of the British people toward the mass
immigration disaster and the resultant housing crisis, the political class from
all parties steadfastly refuse to take control of the borders and halt the
The three main political parties in Great Britain recently
published their plans to deal with the homeless crisis they created and they are truly pathetic. Here are the sections on Housing:
The Conservative Party Manifesto:
A pledge to meet an existing commitment to build a million
homes by the end of 2020, with a further 500,000 by the end of 2022.
New "council housing deals" to allow local
authorities to build more social housing.
Fixed-term social houses will be built and sold privately
after 10 to 15 years with an automatic right to buy for tenants. Cash raised
from sales will be used to build further properties.
A commitment to halve rough sleeping over the course of the
next parliament and eliminate it by 2027.
The Labour Party Manifesto:
Invest to build one million new homes, including 100,000
council and housing association homes by the end of next parliament.
Rent rises capped to inflation and legal minimum standards
in properties for rent.
4,000 homes for people with history of rough sleeping.
The Liberal Democrat Manifesto:
A Housing Investment Bank to generate funding for new homes
£2bn on flood defence schemes to protect properties
Reinstate housing benefit for 18-21 year olds
Scheme allowing rent payments to accumulate like a mortgage
In the meantime in the Philippines, championship boxer turned
politician Emmanuel ‘Manny’ Pacquiao has built 1,000 houses out of his own
pocket for his homeless constituents in double quick time.
It may have been easier to achieve in the Philippines and a
1,000 basic housing units may be a drop in the ocean but that doesn’t detract
from the determination of Pacquiao to do something pragmatic rather than trumpet empty
promises at election time which will be broken immediately the polls are
Manny Pacquiao has made a fortune during his boxing career
which makes him a very wealthy man indeed in the Philippines but Great Britain
isn’t short of millionaires and billionaires who could do the same but choose
not to.
Its worth noting at this point that Manny Pacquiao and President Trump are problem solvers who put pragmatic solutions into action to get things done and neither of them are career politicians.
Its worth noting at this point that Manny Pacquiao and President Trump are problem solvers who put pragmatic solutions into action to get things done and neither of them are career politicians.
If Richard Branson, Alan Sugar, the Hinduja brothers, the Barclay twins, Lord Paul and
other millionaires and billionaires took the initiative and pooled some of their resources they could step
in where the politicians refuse to and help alleviate the housing crisis.
Many of Great Britain’s wealthiest people from the political, entertainment and sporting worlds claim to be
socialists who give financial support to the communist controlled
Labour Party but are in reality publicity seeking virtue signalers who demand more immigration
but refuse to help with the disastrous consequences.
Shame on you Tony Blair, Margaret Hodge, J.K Rowling, Emma
Thompson, Dominic Cumberbatch, Gary Lineker and many more who have been put to shame by a retired boxer.
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