Friday, November 1, 2013

Managed Decline - The Deliberate Transfer Of British Jobs Abroad

No one should be under any illusion that the decline of British industry began before the political class signed the Lima Declaration and committed Great Britain to a net transfer of technology, capital assets and entire industries abroad.

This post is intended to follow up and expand on yesterdays post about the United Nations stated goal of creating a New International Economic Order by centrally controlling international industry accompanied by a global redistribution of wealth.

The history of Great Britains spectacular industrial rise and even more spectacular fall raises several issues, the main issue being as how can a country that started the industrial revolution, that used its industrial might to rule three quarters of the worlds surface, then be reduced to virtual penury in no more than half a century.

The history of British industry is too enormous to go into too much detail here but to illustrate the point, a brief history with conclusions is required.

The industries that kicked off the rise of Great Britain as a global phenomenon were agriculture, ship building and fishing.  Apart from ship building the other two were eclipsed when advancement in iron and steel technology engendered an explosion in transportation infrastructure.

Canals, roads, bridges, tunnels, railways were constructed at home and abroad; the ingenuity of Victorian engineers knew no bounds and the results of their genius can still be seen today in infrastructure and follow up technology all over the planet.

Nineteenth and twentieth century world-beating British industry evolved from their genius, and the free market system, into the manufacture of ships, aircraft, motorcycles, automobiles, railway rolling stock, military hardware etc. etc.

Just a cursory look at Great Britain today will reveal that the industrial base has all but disappeared and along with it, millions of jobs.

The industrial revolution started in earnest with the iron and steel industry.  This was its backbone. The British steel industry has all but disappeared and what is left is foreign owned, mostly by the Indian conglomerate Tata.

Great Britain is nowhere to be found on the current list of the worlds steel makers; a list dominated by China which was nothing more than a deadbeat communist hellhole populated by illiterate rural peasants less than four decades ago.

The labour intensive shipbuilding industry has all but disappeared also, with Great Britain nowhere to be seen on the current list of global shipbuilders, which again is dominated by China.

So it is with the aircraft manufacturing industry, where British genius and expertise gave the world the jet engine, vertical take off, autoland, supersonic technology and the majority of its highly paid, high technology jobs.

The British car manufacturing industry is all but gone and what is left is foreign owned. How an industry that produces high quality products such as Rolls Royce and the Land Rover can only survive with foreign ownership, including India, is a mystery.

The list goes on, therefore I will conclude this section with the once proud and innovative British motorcycle industry which is gone.

Outside of manufacturing, it is worth noting that in a country that houses the financial capitol of the world, one of Great Britain's biggest banks, Santander, is owned by bankrupt Spain; an EU member country which is on the verge of financial collapse and civil strife due to high unemployment,  including youth unemployment approaching fifty percent.

It must be asked how a bankrupt country such as Spain can take control of Great Britain's major airports and one of the top six energy suppliers, the other major energy suppliers being foreign owned.

It must also be asked how Bombardier,  British manufacturer of railway rolling stock, (albeit Canadian owned) was prevented by the government from tendering for a rolling stock contract for a British railway, in favour of a German company.

During the writing of this post I have read many explanations for the decline of British industry, including:

Out of touch management too set in their ways and unable to adapt to a changing world.

Politically motivated Trade Union militancy negatively affecting competitiveness.

Socialist politicians interfering in the free market.

All are worthy of consideration and it is highly likely that these played a part in the demise: looking at the sheer size and speed of the decline, the role of UNIDO and the Lima Declaration combined with a political elite dedicated to imposing a global 'progressive' agenda must also be considered.

Judging by the behavior of modern politicians such as Blair, Brown and Cameron, it is the opinion of many that this is the most likely explanation.  Having finished their careers as domestic politicians, they are now busy pushing their agenda on the international stage while filling their personal coffers at the same time.

Whatever the explanation is, what is certain is that the people have been sold out, lock, stock and barrel by their own representatives with the sole aim of furthering their 'progressive' global agenda. This has, and will always take,  a higher priority than the interests Great Britain and its people.


  1. If you look at the big picture, we have to import most of our food, most of our manufactured goods, whist our financially incontinent government spunks money away like there's no tomorrow. At the same time they import plane loads of welfare dependent savages on a daily basis. Just how long can it continue for?.

    1. Even to the most dumbed down it should be obvious that it cannot continue without severe consequences for all concerned.

      The part that makes everyone madder than hell is that the politicians responsible for this disaster are immune from the consequences of their actions. They live in their own isolated taxpayer funded communities without a care for long suffering people they are paid to represent.
