Sunday, July 15, 2012

Progressives - Totalitarians In All But Name.

Socialists, communist and all other leftist regimes are totalitarian by nature. Like the 'Man Made Global Warming' fanatics their vision is so impaired by the religious nature of their ideologies they are beyond reasonable discourse.

They also mistakenly believe that their version of the perfect state is inevitable.

They are incapable of understanding that others may take a different view or have an alternative philosophy. In a mature democracy with an educated populace the issues should be debated rationally then decisions made or voted on based on the outcome of the debate.

Leftists hate this discourse, they think it a waste of time that it only serves to delay the inevitable. They believe that any alternative view to theirs should not be heard. Censorship, book burning and intolerance are the hallmarks of socialist/communist/leftist regimes.

Although we are almost there, the socialist state has not been fully established in Great Britain. There are still pockets of resistance and free thought like the blogosphere and the Internet in general which governments are desperately trying to regulate.

As far as leftists are concerned they absolutely must control the message.

In the absence of controlling the message and with nothing to contribute to any debate, leftists shoot any messengers with whom they disagree. Hence we see spin, sophistry and outright propaganda to promote the socialist/communist/leftist cause, while employing smear and abuse for anyone promoting a different viewpoint.

This is best illustrated by the leftist controlled climate change lobby. In an attempt to silence any alternative views they claim the science is settled, the debate is over and anyone who disagrees is a labelled a 'denier', a word associated with those who deny the Holocaust.

This is the ultimate smear and illustrates the depths to which socialists/communists and leftist will sink to abuse anyone who disagrees.

A second alternative is the abuse of language. This is an Orwellian concept  that by twisting the meaning of words one can eventually rewrite history to portray it in a light favourable to their ideology.

The word 'gay' is a classic example.

Men attracted to other men have always been known as homosexuals, there's nothing wrong with that. Like heterosexual its a perfectly functional word which doesn't imply inferior status. The word 'gay' has been hijacked with the intention of changing the widely held perception of homosexuals as sexual deviants to a more benign lighthearted and carefree group.

It has also had the effect of giving homosexuals special status as opposed to equal status with heterosexuals.

In the methodology of leftists special status metamorphosis's into victim status and hence votes.

'Progressive' is another word that has been hijacked by the left with the intention of changing its meaning to promote a softer image for their ideology.

The following is a run down of some of the worse socialist/communist/leftist regimes and their leaders comprising of the darkest, most murderous enemies of the human race.

Nazi Germany - Hitler
USSR - Lenin, Stalin thro to Putin today
China - Mao Tse Tung Thro to Wen Jabao today
Cambodia - Pol Pot
North Korea - the Kim family
Cuba - Castro
Ethiopia - Mengistu Haile Mariam
Serbia - Slobodan Milosovic
Libya - Colonel Ghadaffi
Syria - the Assad family
Zimbabwe - Butcher Bob Mugabe
The entire post war East European Bloc with its secret police forces, political
prisoners, poverty for the masses but riches for the political elite.

Its no wonder with a reputation for bloodsoaked oppression that leftists need a word to replace socialism/communism.

Now calling themselves 'Progressives' they claim their mission is fairness, social justice and a more equal society engineered by a benign state.

In the perverted world of socialist doublethink, the closer we move toward the totalitarian regimes mentioned above the more progress society has made.

Beware! 'Progressives' may have changed their name but they are still socialists/communists, Marxists and there's nothing progressive about Marxism.

Progress would be bettered measured by the amount of distance countries move away from the oppressive socialist/communist regimes toward the light of freedom.

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