When the millionaires and billionaires that form the global elite appointed former Prime Minister Tony
Blair to lead their campaign to reverse the Brexit referendum result and keep
Great Britain under the jackboot of the EU dictatorship, they put on display not only their
contempt for democracy and the people but also how out of touch they are.
One would think that entrepreneurs and political movers and
shakers such as George Soros, Richard Branson, Lord Mandelson etc. who have the
expertise and talent to accumulate vast fortunes and political power for
themselves would have chosen someone other than a pariah who ranks among the
most hated people in the land.
If choosing Blair wasn’t insulting enough, their message
that the people were lied to and not intelligent enough to understand the issue
set their contempt in stone.
Accusing the Brexit campaign of lying and misleading the
British people is the type of distortion we have come to expect from the
bought-and-paid-for mainstream media whores, including the taxpayer funded BBC,
who abuse their monopoly of news and information.
In a complete reversal of history it was the Remain
campaign, universally known as ‘Project
Fear’, that was a deliberately manufactured tissue of lies and threats. Every
prediction from economic Armageddon and four million lost jobs to the outbreak
of World War III has failed to materialize since the British people chose
freedom from the EU dictatorship.
On the contrary, as was predicted by the Brexit campaign, just the prospect of being free from the EU’s central command and control over
borders and economic life has sent Great Britain’s economic indicators soaring
to record levels.
The very idea of sending the man who consciously lied to take Great Britain into a disastrous war in Iraq to accuse the Brexit
campaign of lying is beyond irony. The powerful elite are obviously not as
clever as they make themselves out to be or what we give them credit for.
Ignoring the result of the Brexit referendum is not the
first time Tony Blair has ignored the will of the people. Outside the political
elite and those with a vested interest, opposition to his war in Iraq was
total. He ignored petitions, campaigns and the biggest mass demonstration in
history in order to rain death and destruction on Iraqi people.
When Blair talks about lies and distortions by the Brexit
campaign, people need to be reminded that
his justification for killing hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians,
including women, children, the elderly, the sick and the infirm, was to find
and destroy Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction (WMD’s).
What became known as the ‘Dodgy Dossier’ was a distortion of
intelligence reports concerning Saddam’s capability to attack the west with
WMD’s, which included the outrageous lie that he had the capability to attack
Great Britain in as little time as forty-five minutes.
Rather than admit the truth, when WMD’s were proved to be
non-existent, Blair’s justification for his war morphed into ‘regime change’
with the claim that the world is a better place without Saddam Hussein.
The world would be a better place without Kim Jong-un or
Robert Mugabe, and a host of other blood-soaked dictators, so using the same
justification North Korea and Zimbabwe should be bombed back to the stone-age
Blair has attracted further opprobrium by masqueraded as a
socialist to gain control over the Labour Party and the Premiership of Great
Britain then ditching every principle he claimed he had to accumulate a
personal fortune reputed to be in the tens of millions. Ditching also a long
established code of ethics, he did this by using contacts he made during his
time in office including with some of the worlds vilest dictators and
oppressive regimes.

Whether this was a
coincidence is open to debate but a fortune was made and it stinks to high Heaven; it only adds to the
contempt that the people have not only for Tony Blair but for his spouse as
In conclusion, Tony Blair is a fanatical Europhile who makes
no secret of the fact that he wants to see an independent, sovereign
Great Britain become province of a United States of Europe ruled by foreign
bureaucrats on behalf of the global elite.
This elite should have known that the vast majority of the
British people consider Tony Blair to be evil personified, a war criminal that
belongs in prison who they despise with a passion reserved only for history’s
more unsavory characters.
By using the hated Tony Blair as their public face they have
inadvertently damaged their own campaign and hopefully helped the Brexiteers to
consign the EU to the dustbin of history where it so rightly belongs.
You forgot to use "hypocrite" when discussing Blair. He campaigned to leave the E.U. at the Beaconsfield by-election.
ReplyDeleteThere's lots of adjectives I could use when talking about the Evil One and 'hypocrite' is up there at top. If I tried to use them all in one article I would run out room.
DeleteBut thanks for reminding me that Blair is indeed a roaring hypocrite of the very highest order.