In their desperation to keep their European superstate dream
alive Europhiles are reduced to ramping up Project Fear by painting an
apocalyptic vision of Great Britain should they leave the EU single market.
The Europhiles claim that the single market allows British companies
access to an export market of 508 million people without which the British
economy will collapse with the loss of 4 million jobs or more.
It’s the usual nonsense the British public has learned to
expect from agenda driven political hacks that profit personally from EU membership
and the fanatical supporters of the European superstate who lost the argument
as well as the Brexit referendum.
The reality of the single market is in stark contrast to
myths created by the political elite and the media whores who hide the
devastation in a fog of lies, distortion and propaganda.
At a cost of 55
million British pounds per day, 365 days per year, access to this sclerotic market
does not come cheap.
The bureaucratic rules and regulations controlling the
single market are strangling innovation which in turn stifles economic growth
and job creation.
Hundreds of millions of the 508 million souls that comprise
the single market are dirt poor peasants from the former eastern bloc or subject
to economies that are bankrupt, heavily in debt or stagnant due to socialist command
and control.
The myth of the indispensable single market is exploded when
one looks at a few basic statistics.
Unemployment across the single market is 8 percent with
Lithuania, Slovakia, Finland, France, Portugal, Italy, Croatia, and Cyprus
above this average. Spain and Greece are
the worst basket cases at 21.4 and 24.5
percent respectively. (See stats here)

Free from the shackles of the socialist EU and its single
market, Great Britain is making trade deals with the USA, population 319
million and an unemployment rate of 4.7 percent, China, population 1.3 billion
with an unemployment rate of 3.9 percent, Japan, population 123 million with an
unemployment rate of 3.1 percent, South Korea, population 51 million with an
unemployment rate of 3.6 percent and Canada, population 35 million with an unemployment
rate of 6.5 percent.
Trade deals are also being concluded with developing
countries such as India with a population of 1.3 billion and an unemployment
rate of 9 percent and Brazil, population 200 million with an unemployment rate
of 13.3 percent.
(It must be noted that Brazil is recovering from decades of
socialism and should continue to improve as free enterprise continues to
replace the dead hand of the state)
The reality is that the much vaunted single market comprised
of 508 million impoverished souls with a very bleak future indeed will be
replaced by multiple growing markets consisting of over 3 billion ever more prosperous
There is no economic case that can be made in favour of remaining in the
EU and its rapidly sinking single market.
More devastating than the economic case is that membership
of the single market requires free movement of people between countries. This
has resulted in some disastrous consequences for the few prosperous countries
in the EU and no hope of prosperity for the less prosperous due to depopulation
resulting from mass emigration.
Millions of dirt poor peasants from the former eastern bloc
countries have immigrated into countries that offer the most generous welfare ‘entitlements’.
In addition they continue to put unsustainable pressure on other social
services including housing, schooling, transport and healthcare provision.
Where they do enter the labor market they have driven down wages across the board to the delight of unscrupulous employers who not surprisingly support continued EU membership.
This situation has been made immeasurably worse by the
manufactured ‘refugee crisis’ whereby millions of economic migrants from across
the world have been invited into the EU for supposedly humanitarian
reasons. Once in possession of
documentation they are free to move anywhere in search of the most generous welfare
This disastrous policy was dreamt up by the mentally
unstable German Chancellor, Angel Merkel, whose stated agenda is to destroy the
ancient cultures of Europe and replace them with so-called ‘multi-cultural
societies’ in a socialist European empire without borders governed by herself and
her cronies.
Mad Merkel’s folly resulted in the sudden influx of mainly
young men from incompatible cultures, religions and ethnic groups which
has led to inter-communal violence and terrorism leaving formerly stable countries
such as Sweden, Belgium, France and her own Germany on the brink of all out
civil war.
This ever darkening nightmare is not some gloomy future worst case scenario but actual reality which is happening on the streets of Europe’s villages, towns and cities as we speak and which is being made immeasurably worse by the twin insanities of mass immigration and the free movement of people as demanded by the single market.
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