As the American Congress makes a dog's dinner out of repealing and replacing Obamacare, the lies and hysteria coming from the Democrats and their bought-and-paid-for mainstream media is reaching fever pitch.
Anyone who pays attention to Democratic Party tactics and those of their socialist bedfellows will have predicted that they would conjure up visions of heartless Republicans willfully visiting death and suffering on the heads of the poor solely to give a tax cut to the rich.
In order to counter the growing cynicism of the long suffering American public who are growing increasingly weary of the MSM hysteria and their lack of evidence in Trump/Russia nonsense, actual figures of the death toll are now being touted.
The death toll started off with thousands of deaths per year and increased to tens of thousands as the skeptical public refused to be enthused. This further increased to 24,000, then 36,000 and currently stands at 43,000.
Wealthy Presidential candidate and Socialist In Name Only (SINO), Bernie Sanders, has increased the rhetoric and hysteria using the 36,000 figure he gleaned from a left leaning website. (See here)
Incidentally, as a measure of his phony attachment to socialism Bernie steadfastly refuses to answer any questions on the disastrous failure of the socialist policies he advocates in Venezuela and more pointedly like all wealthy socialists he refuses to redistribute his own considerable wealth to the poor he champions.
The old saying that things are always bigger and better in
America does not apply to healthcare induced death, if one professor’s figures
are correct. The British National Health Service is way ahead.

This does not include the 30,000 or so elderly people who die of
hypothermia each winter because they can’t afford their deliberately inflated
heating bills.
The Liverpool Care Pathway started as a compassionate means
of relief from suffering agreed with the families which has morphed into a program of
euthanasia. (Read the article here)
In event of the professors’ theory being incorrect, the
involuntary death toll in the NHS is considerable with 1,200 involuntary deaths
in the Mid Staffordshire Hospital Trust alone. (See here)
The American people should be aware that any government run department or
organization, healthcare provision included, always ends with a bloated
self-perpetuating bureaucracy stuffed to the gunwales with self-serving career
bureaucrats whose only purpose in life is to agitate for ever increasing sums
of taxpayer money.
They only need to look as far as their Medicare and Medicaid
systems not to mention the failings of the Department of Veterans Affairs. (VA)
It is my humble opinion that Obamacare was implemented as a
stepping stone to a single payer system and was designed to fail in order to
bring it about.
The fact that Obamacare has been an unmitigated disaster for
the American people has been studiously ignored by the charlatans on the left
and the MSM.
People need to understand that socialized medicine or a
single payer system is the goal of all socialists not because it delivers
universal healthcare free at the point of need but for removing the
responsibility for their personal health and wellbeing from individuals and families
and passing it to the state bureaucrats.
As Ronald Reagan warned back in the 1960’s, if the
government controls your healthcare they end up controlling all aspects of your
In the case of Obamacare it also gave control over one-sixth
of the giant American economy to politicians and government bureaucrats.
Lying of course is now deemed as an acceptable practice in
acquisition of political power and there was no bigger exponent than President
Obama. One of the biggest lies ever perpetrated by an American President, or
any politician for that matter, was the notorious whopper he delivered in
support of the Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare.
He knew he was lying through his teeth when he spoke the now
infamous words - “if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor, period. If you like
your healthcare plan you can keep your healthcare plan, period.”.
He followed this up with other lies including the falsehood
that healthcare cost will decrease by an average of $1,200 for a family of four
per year.
In reality, as with other government run programs the
opposite was true, premiums and deductibles sky rocketed putting healthcare
cover out of reach for millions or it provided cover they couldn’t afford to
The American people would be wise to ignore the lies and
deceit of self-serving swamp dwellers in Washington DC and accept that
Obamacare needs to be repealed in its entirety and replaced with a free market
system that leaves individuals and families to decide their own healthcare
needs and keeps the dirty hands of politicians as far away as possible.
Previous articles on the failed NHS:
NHS Kills MP's Husband - She Must Accept Responsibility For His Demise.
Obamacare Is Dead - Failed NHS Is In A Coma On Life Support
Healthcare Scavengers Feed On The Corpse Of A Much Loved Friend
NHS Kills MP's Husband - She Must Accept Responsibility For His Demise.
Obamacare Is Dead - Failed NHS Is In A Coma On Life Support
Healthcare Scavengers Feed On The Corpse Of A Much Loved Friend
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