In Great Britain November the Fifth is known as Guy Fawkes Day which concludes with Bonfire Night where fireworks explode in the air and bonfires
are lit upon which an effigy of gunpowder plotter Guido ‘Guy’ Fawkes is
ritually burnt. For the uninitiated the
Gunpowder Plot was a conspiracy by a group of Roman Catholics to assassinate
the Protestant King James I and replace him with the Catholic Queen Elizabeth
of Bohemia.
They planned to do this by blowing up the Houses of Parliament
on November the Fifth in the year 1605 when the King was due to address the
Members at the opening of a new session.
The plot was discovered when the night before the Kings attendance
the palace guards caught Guy Fawkes in the cellars below the House with barrels
of gunpowder ready to ignite.
Guy Fawkes and his fellow conspirators were tortured mercilessly
then tried for treason and convicted. The punishment for treason reflected the
seriousness of the crime and the conspirators were subsequently hung, drawn and
quartered after which their body parts were distributed around the Kingdom as a
warning to others.
Due to the treasonous behavior of the current inhabitants of the
British Parliament, Guy Fawkes is being rehabilitated as a hero after more than
four centuries as a villain. He is lauded as ‘the last man to enter
Parliament with honorable intentions’ and his image is now used as a symbol
of rebellion.

The low-life rabble that currently infests the sewer that the
British Parliament has become will most likely be spared the punishment
suffered by Guy Fawkes and his co-conspirators should they ever be brought to
book for their treason.
Since the destruction of the peoples’ Parliament and the
surrender of its sovereignty to a foreign entity is their ultimate goal, these
traitors are as guilty of treason as Guy Fawkes and his fellow plotters.
Four decades ago political power was usurped by a group of
conspirators from all parts of the political spectrum with the intention of
transferring the government of Great Britain from elected Members of Parliament
to an unelected powerful elite located in Brussels who were intent on
building a single, centrally controlled superstate. The United States of Europe
currently known as the European Union (EU).
This surrendering of the sovereign power belonging the British
people was to be achieved by stealth using subterfuge, lies and deception which
carries on to this day.
With a complete disregard for their hard-won freedoms and
democratic traditions, this ruling elite believe that the British people are
not qualified to decide their own fate or how they are governed today and in
generations to come.
Such is the complete surrender of its sovereignty the British
Parliament, the Mother of Parliaments, has been reduced to a powerless talking
shop which presents itself as an august sovereign legislature, but is in
fact subservient to the unelected European Union Commission.
The European Court of Justice is now supreme over the British
legal system which renders the British Parliament useless as a legislature, surplus to requirements
and therefore a complete waste of taxpayers’ money.
If anyone was in any doubt that the Members of Parliament and
the ruling elite have declared war on the British people and remain determined
to disenfranchise them by denying the ancient right to self-government, then
the Brexit referendum is the final proof should any proof be necessary.
Tired of the disastrous results of EU membership and the continual
refusal of the ruling elite to hold a referendum, the British people were becoming
vociferously rebellious and deserting the legacy political parties in ever increasing
Concerned that their grip on power was threatened and believing
they could rig a campaign and win a ballot the then Prime Minister, David Cameron, authorized
a winner take all, In or Out referendum. Most importantly he promised that the
result would be final, the government would implement the result and there
would be no second referendum.
Both Houses of Parliament passed legislation to authorize the
referendum and despite the most one-sided campaign in election history and incessant
propaganda warning of a catastrophe should the British people vote to leave the
EU, they voted to leave.
In the subsequent general election both major parties promised
in their election manifestos to faithfully implement the result of the
referendum. Both Houses of Parliament passed legislation to enact Article 50 of
the Lisbon Treaty which is the legal mechanism for leaving the EU.
Despite this absolute commitment to honor the result and leave
the EU, the ruling elite in Parliament refused to accept the people's choice and worked studiously to overturn the result
and keep the British people inside to the EU.
They have done this using every dirty trick at their disposal including using activist judges who
are dedicated to the European Union to rule frivolous law suits in favour those wanting to remain. These traitorous quislings
give fealty to the European Court of Justice and in an act of unforgivable treason
they acknowledge the supremacy of foreign made European Union law.
The government propaganda machine has not stopped forecasting
Armageddon since the referendum in June 2016. Known as ‘Project Fear’ they use
fake statistics and outright lies to convince the British people that they should
repent their historic mistake and vote again.
The charlatans in Parliament are organizing and agitating for a second
referendum to overturn the result of the first and worst of all the life-long
Europhile Prime Minister, Theresa May, has used the so-called negotiations to
keep the British people attached to the European Union institutions in perpetuity.
Known as BRINO, this Brexit in name only will reduce Great Britain
to a vassal state which will be subject to EU rules and regulations without any
input in how they formulated.
By their actions the charlatans in Parliament, in the establishment,
in the law courts and every other institution that is working to overturn the
result of the Brexit referendum and surrender what’s left of the British peoples’
sovereignty to a foreign power are committing treason.
If they succeed the British Parliament is no longer the government
of the people, for the people by the people, it is the enemy of the people who’s
only function is to keep them subject to the unelected ruling elite that have
their own empire building project at heart.
The only option for those British people who long for the traditional
liberties that only a sovereign independent Great Britain can guarantee is to
burn down the current rotten Parliament, salt the earth and start again.
To conclude, as the four centuries old nursery rhyme says: the
treason of Guy Fawkes should never be forgot, and neither should the treason of
the current ruling elite and their traitorous puppets in their phony Parliament.
Remember, remember the
Fifth of November
Gunpowder treason and plot
I see no reason why gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot
And the same holds true on the West side of the Pond.
ReplyDeleteAt least there is a President trying to drain the swamp in America. There is no such crusader in the UK so swamp creatures wallow in their corruption with impunity.