Tuesday, March 15, 2016

It's Not Rocket Science - Equality Of Nations Requires Exporting Jobs

As campaign slogans go, 'Make America Great Again' is as good as any, but apart from building a 'beautiful wall which Mexico is going to pay for', the most important promise of the Donald Trump campaign is to bring back jobs to America.

He promises to bring them back from China, from Japan, from Mexico, from Vietnam etc. but the issue that needs to be understood is how the jobs got exported to these countries in the first place.

According to Mr. Trump it's all down to incompetent negotiators and self serving political hacks making bad trade deals which they make in their own interests as opposed to those of the American people but this is over simplifying the issue.

The transfer of jobs, technology and resources from the industrialized world to the developing world is not confined to America but to all developed world nations including Great Britain.

Even before the industrial revolution changed the world for ever Great Britain was a country of innovation and manufacturing genius producing everything from ships to textiles. This genius and capability increased immeasurably as industrialization progressed whereby the production of goods and services was spread over the entire country.

One would think that this would be an unassailable position to this day but one would be wrong, even more so for the USA which went on to become the biggest industrial powerhouse in history.

The deliberate de-industrialization of Great Britain and America was outlined in the Second General Conference of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) in its Lima Declaration in 1975.

The Lima Declaration and Plan of Action calls for the redistribution of world industry so that developing countries would have 25% of it by the year 2000. To achieve this, radical changes in traditional concepts and practises are recommended. Economic growth in poorer countries could no longer be seen as the "trickle down" benefit of growth in rich countries. To close the gap between rich and poor nations the developing countries would have to grow faster than the developed countries. With this end in mind, the Lima Declaration sets out the "main principles of industrialization" and defines the "means by which the international community as a whole might take broad action to establish a New International Economic Order".

(Read a previous article here and a follow up article here)

Here are some more quotes to help the layman better understand the United Nation's global plan and the reason behind the export of American jobs to the developing world:

The Lima Declaration calls upon the developed countries to eliminate barriers to trade with developing countries and encourage their manufactured exports. They are asked to "restructure" their industries in order to deploy production capacity to developing countries and to expand technical assistance programes. They are also asked to co-operate in ensuring that the activities of transnational corporations conform to the economic and social aims of developing countries in which they operate

That special attention should be given to the least developed countries, which should enjoy a net transfer of resources from the developed countries in the form of technical and financial resources as well as capital goods, to enable the least developed countries in conformity with the policies and plans for development, to accelerate their industrialization.  

That developing countries with sufficient means at their disposal should give careful consideration to the possibility of ensuring a net transfer for financial and technical resources to the least developed countries.

It's worth noting that in addition to the export of manufacturing capacity and millions of jobs, the development aid budget of the USA to developing countries is in the region of $40-50 billion per year but with the national debt rapidly approaching $20 trillion every cent of it is borrowed.

Also when the $71 billion in private assistance, which includes family remittances, is added that's a big chunk of change that could have been used to invest in the American people at home.

 It is true that the USA, Australia and some other countries resigned their membership of UNIDO declaring that free market solutions would help the third world develop faster as opposed to socialist central planning by the UN. But looking at the unrelenting export of American jobs it is obvious that subsequent governments have continued implementing the UN plan regardless.

Forty years have passed since the Lima Declaration and the devastation in the former industrial areas of both Great Britain and America are there for all to see. 

Flushed with it's success in redistributing economic wealth and industries from the developed world to the third world the UN is accelerating it's global equality agenda with it's "Post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals" along with their latest plan entitled "Transforming our world: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development".

These are truly frightening documents and prove once and for all beyond any shadow of doubt that the goal of the UN is a global government presiding over a global socialist system.

Scare the pants off yourselves by reading the documents here and here, with an opinion summary here.

As Donald Trump closes in on the Republican nomination one can see the forces that rage against him emerge from the woodwork to prevent it. Even if he is successful, without a full blown revolution he has little or no chance of stopping or even slowing down the global ambitions of the UN especially since the legislators and the political establishment are bought and paid for and fully support the UN's international objectives.


  1. Just as I thought. Just as taxes and welfare are used to redistribute wealth within the US, trade treaties are used to redistribute wealth internationaly. We were not supposed to notice.

    1. Redistribution of our wealth no matter how small is their mission until we are all equally poor.
