Watching the hysterical reaction to President Trump’s
condemnation of violence ‘on both sides’ of the organized Charlottesville
mini-riot has been hilarious and in complete contrast to the same condemnation
of violence 'on both sides' in Venezuela by Great Britain’s Prime Minister-in-Waiting, Jeremy
President Trump has been attacked by almost the entire
political establishment on both sides of the Atlantic, including their associated media whores, who have gone into
overdrive with their insults and smears.
Even senior members of his own Republican party, along with
their very own media whores at supposedly fair and balanced Fox News, have been lining up
to put the boot into the man they still cannot accept is the duly elected
President of the United States.
One only has to watch the newsreels to see that President
Trump was absolutely correct in his assessment that there was violence
on both sides.
It is there for all to see that the illegal gathering of the far-left extremists
of Antifa, accompanied by a motley crew of other anti-American far-left loonies,
came tooled up with baseball bats, helmets, shields and a home made flame thrower
ready to violently attack the legal Unite the Right rally.
Any person with the minutest powers of observation will see
this manufactured hysteria for what it is; i.e. part of the concerted campaign
that started after his election in November 2016 to bring down the Presidency
of Donald Trump.
Meanwhile across the Atlantic, there was an opposite
reaction to the leader of Great Britain’s Labour Party who are currently ahead
in the polls and would form the next government should there be a general
election in the near future.

It's risible to suggest that the half-starved people of Venezuela could actually engage in violence against Maduro's army of armed thugs who are indulging in an orgy of violence against the opposition.
Jeremy Corbyn has also refused to condemn the violence
perpetrated by the Irish Republican Army (IRA) during their murderous bombing
campaign on mainland Great Britain during the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s nor the violence
committed by the various Islamic/Palestinian terrorist groups he supports.
When the facts about the organised Charlottesville mini-riot became known, President Trump came out and condemned the violent behavior of the right wing loonies, the white supremacists and the KKK; Corbyn on the other hand, despite knowing the facts about his soulmates, steadfastly refuses to condemn the violence of the Venezuelan government, the IRA or his Muslim terrorist friends from Hamas, Hezbollah and the various Palestinian terrorist groups.
When the facts about the organised Charlottesville mini-riot became known, President Trump came out and condemned the violent behavior of the right wing loonies, the white supremacists and the KKK; Corbyn on the other hand, despite knowing the facts about his soulmates, steadfastly refuses to condemn the violence of the Venezuelan government, the IRA or his Muslim terrorist friends from Hamas, Hezbollah and the various Palestinian terrorist groups.
Being the weasel politician that he is, whenever Corbyn is confronted with a request to condemn the violence of his supporters and his favourite terrorist groups he resorts to condemning violence ‘on both sides’ to avoid answering the question as it should be answered.
Bearing in mind they used the same words, the reaction by the British establishment to
Corbyn is in complete contrast to that of President Trump. He is smeared as a
Nazi, a fascist, a white supremacist and a sympathizer of the Ku Klux Klan. Corbyn on the
other hand is treated like a latter day Mother Theresa of Calcutta and despite
his links with terrorist groups he is given saintly status as a morally superior pacifist and peacemaker.
Instead of trying to prevent this vile communist from taking
office in the same way they are trying to overthrow President Trump, the political
establishment in Great Britain and their media whores, led by the taxpayer
funded BBC, are doing their utmost to put Corbyn into office regardless
of the disastrous consequences that will surely follow.
In the real world outside the incestuous political
establishment, the swamp, as it has been rightly labelled, President Trump is an
American patriot who is fulfilling his promise to put the American people first
and halt the meticulously planned ‘progressive’ agenda to destroy traditional
Unlike the evil genius George Soros, who is financing the
various groups fighting to bring down America, President Trump is most definitely not a Nazi, neither is he a fascist, a white supremacist or a supporter of the KKK.
Jeremy Corbyn on the other hand is most definitely, a life-long communist, an anti-British traitor, a terrorist supporter and a vile Israel hating anti-Semite.
Jeremy Corbyn on the other hand is most definitely, a life-long communist, an anti-British traitor, a terrorist supporter and a vile Israel hating anti-Semite.
The British people must do what they think best at the next election and suffer
the consequences if they are seduced into handing over the levers of power to
The American people should stand by their President and
watch his back as he fulfills his election promise to Make America Great Again
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