What is it about a corrupt and failing institution like the European Union that commands such fanatical loyalty among its devotees that
they are prepared to commit political suicide to remain subject to it?
This devotion to a lost cause is reminiscent of the mass
suicides by devotees of the Third Reich as the Red Army approached Berlin in April 1945.
Many of the thousands who committed selbstmord feared Russian retribution but
thousands more couldn’t envisage a life without the Third Reich and its Fuhrer.
Such is the devotion of Theresa May and her Europhile collaborators in the British Conservative Party.
They cannot envisage life without their beloved European Union so they are prepared to sacrifice their own
political futures, and that of their country, by entering into a coalition with the
communist led Labour Party
If the polls are anywhere near accurate the Labour Party have a better than average chance of winning the
next General Election in which case it will be game, set and match to Karl Marx.
Theresa May and her merry band of traitors know that enlisting the help of Jeremy Corbyn will wreck the Conservative Party, which has been in existence
since 1834, and hand over power to a Labour Party which has made no secret of
its intentions to turn Great Britain into a socialist/communist state.
Since the Labour Party want to remain in the European Union
this action alone should lay to rest the assumption that Mrs. May intended to implement the referendum result and take Great Britain out of the European Union.
Her appalling Withdrawal Agreement and Political
Declaration, which she is insists is the only option to leave, is a complete
surrender to the European Union. Instead of taking back control of Great
Britain’s laws, trade policy, borders and money it puts them under the control
of the EU bureaucrats in perpetuity.
Instead of the supremacy of British law being reinstated Great Britain will remain subject to the jurisdiction of the European Court of
With this banzai charge into a coalition with Jeremy Corbyn’s
communists, Mrs. May and her collaborators are ignoring those in her own
Cabinet who want to implement the Conservative Party Manifesto on which they were elected.
She is also ignoring her own backbench Members of Parliament along with most Conservative Party
members in the country who want the same thing.
Most importantly she is riding roughshod over the 17.4 million loyal citizens who want to take
back their sovereignty and leave the European Union.

She knows that Corbyn and his comrades despise Great Britain, along with its culture, its history, its people and their way of life. She knows that any
enemy of Great Britain is a friend of his.
By inviting Jeremy Corbyn into a coalition, she is giving him
an air of respectability and credibility to his repugnant views and policies.
On the issue of Brexit, Mrs. May knows that Corbyn and his
party want to remain in the European Union; this means that the only agreement
they can possibly make is for Great Britain to remain subject to the single
market and the customs union which is in effect remaining in the EU without any
representation whatsoever.
The initial reaction in the country is one of disbelief and
rising anger but in Brussels the bureaucrats will be punching the air with joy
and cracking open their taxpayer funded bottles of Champagne in celebration.
With the connivance of Theresa May, they have achieved the three
goals they set to do after the referendum result was known:
They have divided the nation which renders it more difficult
to govern.
They have irrevocably damaged the country’s democratic institutions
and respect for Parliament.
They have prevented Great Britain from breaking free from
their corrupt and increasingly autocratic political union.
As an unintended consequence they have destroyed the
Conservative Party leaving the door open for a communist cabal to take over the
reins of power with all the disasters that will bring.
There is still a glimmer of hope that the British people may
yet prevail. It is still the law of the land that Great Britain will leave the
European Union under World Trade Organisation (WTO) rules on the 12th April 2019. I hope the patriots
in Parliament and the country will hold their nerve and see it through.
One Shot Paddy would solve this VERY quickly. If the UK plods were to start dying, as they deserve not only for this but for the murder of Charlie Gard and the murder of Alfie Evans and Rotherham and all the rest, it would not take long for them to understand that UK "Law Enforcement" is not an honorable profession. And with THEM gone, then Mere Citizens could deal appropriately with 10 Downing Street, as well as Parliament itself.
ReplyDeleteDue to past experience One Shot Paddy is not a popular concept with the British people.
DeleteThey will wake up eventually and do things in their own way.